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You shouldn't be having sex at all because that vaccine isn't as effective when you're sexually active.

And for in the future, you should always use a condom because there are so many std's and other health risks that can be spread.


Ok first off let me make something clear about the above answer. Having actual sex does NOT make the vaccine less effective. In fact part of the reason for getting the vaccine is because when you ARE sexually active your risks for getting HPV increase DRAMATICALLY. Having sex will not make the vaccine null and void.

Depending on whether or not your reason for asking this is because of getting pregnant or getting HPV i will answer for both. If you are worried about the Birth Control not working then please still use the condom. There are always a small risk that certain medications make BC ineffective right after so still use it for at least 14 days. If you are worried about getting HPV without a condom then i say again USE A CONDOM after the shot. For one, the first shot in the series does not prevent it, you must have ALL three shots for it to be complete. Secondly if you arent married, and your partner has not been checked out in the last year just use a condom anyway. There are still so many diseases out there that this shot does not cover. And just because you are in a serious relationship does not mean he cant pass something to you. I was cheated on by my serious boyfriend of 2 years and he passed me a (thankfully curable) STD. Be safe, if your partner really does love you he will understand.

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Q: While on birth control after getting the first of the three cervical cancer shots in the series is it safe to not use a condom?
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Not on birth control if you use a condom?

The only "birth control" that works 100 percent is Abstinence. But a condom will help prevent it, without a condom you have a low percent of not getting pregnant.

What are examples of mechanical birth control?

The barrier methods are mechnical methods. These include the condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge, and Femcap.

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If you and your partner both have hpv should you still use a condom?

Yes. Absolutely still use a condom. There are several different strains of HPV. Some cause nasty symptoms, some do almost nothing, and some can lead to cervical cancer.

What is the probability of getting pregnant with birth control and a condom?

the probability is very small

Married young soon to be a mother and have been diagnosed with cervical cancer is it safe to still have sex?

First, it is important to make sure the word "cancer" was used by your doctor. Far too often patients hear that they have a precancerous lesion and take this to mean that they have cancer. But if you do have cancer, it is still safe to have sex. Know that cervical cancer is caused by a viral infection called HPV which is spread sexually, so if your partner is not affected, it is essential that a condom is used.

Learning About Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cells in the cervix. Cervical cancer only affects women and is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. The death rate from this type of cancer is declining because of advances in screening. Whether you have cervical cancer or not, it is important to learn as much as you can about it.SymptomsIn the early stages of cervical cancer, you might not experience any symptoms. In the later stages, however, you may notice vaginal bleeding during intercourse, pelvic pain during intercourse and bloody discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor right away.CausesWhile the causes of cervical cancer are not exactly clear, the human papillomavirus can definitely increase your chances of developing this type of cancer.Risk FactorsThere are certain risk factors that increase your chances of getting cervical cancer. Some of these risk factors include early sexual activity, weak immune system, smoking and many sex partners.TreatmentThere are several treatment options for cervical cancer. The type of treatment you will receive will depend on the stage of cancer, other health problems and your personal preference. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.PreventionIt is important to try to prevent cervical cancer. Some of the things you can do to reduce your risk of getting this cancer include avoiding smoking, limiting sex partners and using a condom when having sex. It is also important to get vaccinated against HPV and have routine Pap tests.SupportSupport is one of the most important things you can have during cervical cancer. Surround yourself with caring family members and friends, so you always have someone to talk to when you are feeling down. Also, consider connecting with other people who have cancer. Ask you doctor about different support groups in your community that you can go to.

Is there a change of getting pregnant while being on birth control and no condom used?

of course. the birth control pill is very effective if taken correctly. there is always room for human error, so yes there is a chance of getting pregnant while being on birth control and no condom use.

What are the barrier birth control methods?

A barrier birth control method is one that blocks sperm from reaching the uterus. Examples of barrier birth control methods include condoms, diaphragms, sponges, and cervical caps.Barrier method means there is a physical device to prevent sperm from entering the woman's reproductive tract.Male or female condom, sponge, cervical cap, diaphragm are all barrier methods.Birth Control Pills, IUD, sterilization, withdrawal, rhythm, are not barrier methods.These methods work by preventing the sperm from getting to and fertilizing the egg

What are the chances of getting pregnant when on the pill but use no condom?

If you have been on birth control for over a month then you are protected against pregnancy.

Do you need to use a condom if on birth control?

Absolutely YES! Birth control pills only protect you from getting pregnant. Condoms, while not foolproof, will protect you from STDs.

With your usual partner you used a condom he ejaculated and now you have a missed period sore breasts and other symptoms What are the chances of pregnancy?

All I can say is " With God All Things Are Possible"... I used a condom had cervical cancer was told i couldn't have children then told i miscarried and now am about to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Hope this Helps:)