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Q: Who are the people that represent your state in the house representatives?
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Who are the people that represent state in the house of representatives?

the govener

How many state representatives represent Kentucky?

There are 100 members in the State House of Representatives and 6 delegates to the US House.

What are duties of a representative?

They represent their state in the House of Representatives.

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How many representatives are their?

There are 438 Representatives in the House based on the population of the state. There are also two Senators that represent each state.

Which house has more equal representation senate or house of representation?

The senate gives equal representation to each state, two representatives from each state. The house of representatives is sometimes called the peoples' house because it gives states with more people more representatives than states with fewer people. While this seems unequal, it is a fair way to represent the people.

Are the two senators of California representatives?

The two U.S. Senators from California represent the people of the state of California, but they are not "Representatives," as that title specifically refers to someone who is serving in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate together make up the U.S. Congress.

Why did the founding fathers create the two house legislature?

They wanted the state to have representation as well as the people. Therefore the Senate is to represent the states, and the House of Representatives to represent districts of people. Also, to avoid the concentration of power.

What state did Cheney represent?

He represented Wyoming in the House of Representatives from 1979 to 1989.

What compromise did the delegates create to resolve the issue of state representative?

the compramise plan kept a two house congress. The first house, the House of representatives, would represent the people. In this house, the number of representitives from each state, would represent the states. In the second house, the Senate, would represent the states. Each state would have two senitiors.

How many represenatives does Washington state send to Washington D.C.?

i think two or one but it either depends on how many people there is or its just two Washington State sends nine (9) Representatives or Congressmen to Washington, D.C. where they represent the state in the House of Representatives, or "the House." It also sends two (2) Senators who represent the state in the Senate.

Who does a US senitor represent?

A US senator represents his State, while Representatives represent the people in the States. That is why there are 2 Senators per state, but the number of representatives is based on how many people live in a State.