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His father, George H. W. Bush was a Republican before George W. Bush. Democrat Bill Clinton was the President between the two Bushes.

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Q: Who as the last republican president elected before George W. Bush?
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When was the last Republican president in the US?

George W. Bush was the last Republican before 2016. He was elected in 2000 and again in 2004.

What US president was the only president to not belong to any political party when first elected?

George Washington. During Washington's two terms the Federalist and Republican (not the current Republican) parties were formed. John Adams was the first (and only) Federalist President, and Jefferson was the first Republican President.

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The president who came before Barack Obama was George W. Bush. President Bush was from the Republican Party, and he served two terms in office before Mr. Obama, a Democrat, was elected president in 2008.

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Is George Bush a Democrat or Republican?

Pres. George W. Bush is a Republican as was his father (Pres. George Bush) before him.

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Who was the leader of the US before Obama?

The President was George W Bush, Republican from Texas.

What did president George HW Bush do before he was president?

He made a fortune on the oil business and then got into government service. He was elected to Congress for two terms and lost a bid for the Senate. Nixon appointed him UN ambassador. Under Ford he became CIA director after serving as diplomat to China. He was then elected vice-president for two terms.

Who was the first president of the United States never to be elected to any other office before becoming president?

George Washington

Where did George W. Bush serve before he was president?

George W. Bush, born in Connecticut, was governor of Texas before he took the White House in 2000, and was then elected president in the 2004 election.

Was George Washington elected president before the civil war?

Yes - dead and buried sixty years before it started.