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Well I'm not sure try to let you know as soon as I can I will try to let you know.....kk....byes

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by disaggre the ruls

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Q: Who does the Three-Fifths compromise satisfies the northern and southern states?
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Who was the three fifths compromise for?

The Northern and Southern states, and the slaves

What compromise did north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

What compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs?

The Commerce Compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs.

Which compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs?

The Commerce Compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs.

What two groups were revealed a growing split the The Missouri Compromise?

Northern and southern states

Who proposed the commerce?

The Commerce Compromise was an agreement between the Northern and Southern states in regards to slavery. It was proposed by the northern states.

The Missouri compromise revealed a growing split between what two groups-?

Northern and southern states

Compromise between north and south?

The compromises that the northern and southern states reached were the great compromise and the Three-Fifthy compromise

What was the compromise that dealt with the northern states' concern of southern states using slaves as part of the counted population thus influencing their representation in congress?

One-Half Compromise was the compromise that dealt with the Northern States concern of the Southern States using slaves as part of the counted population thus influencing their representation in Congress.

The elder statesman who advocated compromise between northern and southern interests was?

its either James Madison or Henry Clay they were both elder statesmen in the compromise

What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

How did the three fifths compromise resolve conflict?

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise over how slaves would be accounted for when determining population for congressional representation purposes. The conflict was between the Northern and Southern states.