

Who told Abraham to kill his son?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Who told Abraham to kill his son?
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Why did Abraham take Isacc to the mountain?

He took his son to the mountain because God told him to. It was a test to see if Abraham would obey God. Once there, God told Abraham to kill Isaac. As Abraham was about to kill Isaac, God said "Stop, you have proven yourself to me"!

Who told Abraham not to kill his son Isaac?

Teh angel gabriel I think.

What did Abraham do to his son?

He didn't kill him, the Lord provided a ram for the sacrifice at the last moment, and told him not to lay hands on the boy.

What did God tell Abraham to do to Isaac and why did he have to do this?

As you may already know, Abraham and his wife Sarah, were both really old when they had Isaac. As a test, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. If he had enough faith in God, he wouldn't have to worry about what happened to his son. Abraham took his son up to the altar and Isaac asked what they were offering. Abraham said, "The LORD will provide the offering." Abraham tied his son to the altar and prepared to kill him when an angel of the LORD appeared to him. He told Abraham to let his son go, he had showed his faith in God. Abraham had passed the test.

How did Abraham sacrifice his son?

In the story from the Bible and the Quran, God tested Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac/Ishmael. Abraham demonstrated his faith and obedience by preparing to sacrifice his son, but at the last moment, God provided a ram as a substitute. This act is seen as a demonstration of Abraham's ultimate trust in God.

Who sacrificed his son?

Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son.

What did Abraham nearly did to his son Isacc and why?

As god told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac , an dhe nearly did it.

Abraham's Sacrifice a?

God first told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, bu then he told him to sacrifice a ram instead.

In the Bible who did Abraham almost kill?

Isaac - his son.

Where did god send Abraham to sacrafice his special son?

God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac on Mount Moria h.

What did Abraham want from God?

Lots of things, but one of the most famous was a test of his trust. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son (the Muslim and Christian interpretations of this debate over which son). Abraham doesn't want to kill his son, but if God says so, he figures he has to. Right before he was going to, however, God told him he essentially passed the test.

Who tells Abraham and Sarah they would have a child?

God told Abraham that he would have a son at his old age.