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The religion of Islam informs one that God clearly states so in the Muslims Holy book , the Quran that Jesus was never Crucified, but raised unto the Heavens alive, and the one who was crucified in his place was a person made to look / appear like Jesus. Verily all things are possible for God to do as he pleases.

The angel Gibraeel (same Angel that delivered messages to Jesus during his Prophethood), also informed the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W the same.

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A:Surah 04:157 in the Quran says of Jesus on the cross: "They did not kill him and they did not crucify him, but it was made to seem so to them."

In other words, the suffering Jesus was in some way only an apparition, and the real Jesus would appear, unharmed, to his disciples on the following Sunday. The notion that it was only made to seem that Jesus was on the cross came to the Muslims from the Docetists, who were an early Christian Gnostic sect that was still active around Arabia in the seventh century.

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Was Jesus crucified or not crucified? This question, in my opinion, is fundamentally questioning Christianity as a 'faith' and as a 'religion'!

Christianity as a religion is built on this foundation that Jesus died or crucified on the cross - therefore anything that challenges this foundation is an anathema to the adherents of the faith.

Yes, the Qur'an says Jesus was not crucified.

  • But the same information is available in The Bible Luke 24:39!

    "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have."

In order to gain a better understanding of Luke 24:39, let us, together, look at one (of two) Gnostic Scriptures deliberately omitted when the New Testament was put together by Athanasius after 325 AD and the aftermath of the 'Nicene Creed'

Apocalypse of Peter

…O Peter. Come therefore! Let us proceed to the completion to the completion of the will of the undefiled Father (i.e. God). For behold, those who will bring judgement upon themselves are coming. And they will put themselves to shame. But me they cannot touch. And you, O Peter, will stand in their midst. Do not be afraid because of your cowardice. Their minds will be closed. For the invisible one (i.e. God) has opposed them"

When he had said those things, I saw him apparently being seized by them. And I said, "What am I seeing, O Lord? Is it you yourself whom they take? And are you holding on to me? Who is this one above the cross, who is glad and laughing? And is it another person whose feet and hands they are hammering?" This was why Jesus said what he said in Luke 24:39!

The saviour said to me, "He whom you see above the cross, glad and laughing, is the living Jesus. But he into whose hands and feet they are driving the nails is his physical part, which is the substitute. They are putting to shame that which is in his likeness. But look at him and me."

But I, when I had looked, said, "Lord, no one is looking at you. Let us flee this place." But he said to me, "I have told you, 'Leave the blind alone!'

  • Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have." [Luke 24:39]

"Look at my hands and my feet" meaning - Can you see any sign of nails?

"...ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" meaning - the man they nailed to the cross died on the cross, there is no way will come back with a physical body but only as a ghost.

  • To drive home the point that he was not a ghost Jesus asked for food, they gave it to him and he ate it.

Luke [24:41] And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, have ye here any meat? [24:42] And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. [24:43] And he took [it,] and did eat before them.

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Some denominations of Gnostic Christians held the view that Jesus was not really crucified. Muhammad would have learnt this view from the Gnostics.

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