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Some were, most of the major names killed themselves. Notably Hitler and Goebbels killed themselves in the bunker in Berlin hours before the Soviets captured it. Himmler killed himself after he was captured and Goering killed himself, hours before he was due to be hanged after being sentenced to death at the Nuremberg trials.

Eichmann, Hoess and Goeth were all captured and sentenced to death. Many other less famous were tried at the Frankfurt trials.

There were still many who evaded capture, the most famous being Dr Mengele.

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14y ago

Many of them were; the Nuremberg Trials were held to determine who did what, and mete out punishment accordingly. "But I was only following orders!" wasn't accepted as an excuse, and it still isn't. Many others escaped Germany and fled to South America or other places, or killed themselves rather than face up to their actions; Himmler (who swallowed cyanide) and Hitler (who shot himself) were just two of these. Even though the surviving ones are now very old, they are still being tracked down, and prosecuted. ___ Several of the extermination camp guards and others were tried by the occupying powers and by Poland. One of the first of these trials was the Bergen-Belsen Trial held in September-November 1945. Twelve of the accused were hanged. This trial had extensive media coverage and for the first time the world at large heard about such things as "selection" (for work) on arrival at Auschwitz. There were also several trials in Poland.

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12y ago

the people who were found guilty at the Geneva convention


  1. Some individuals who committed killings in the Holocaust were put on trial and convicted. Some were hanged.
  2. Some who were active in organizing the Holocaust, such as Eichmann.
  3. The German Reich.
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13y ago

justice is a fluid concept.

Some people believe that the criminals dieing is justice, others believe that by dieing they have escaped justice.

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