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The Czarina at the time of the Russian Revalution was Alexadra. Alexandra was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Because of this relationship at the time of the Revolution she had cousins on the throne of Germany, Romania, Spain, England, Norway and Greece.

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Q: Who was the Czarina of Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution?
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Who was the czar of russia at the time of the revolution?

Czar Nicholas II Romanov was Czar at the time of the Russian Revolutions in 1917. He abdicated the throne after the February Revolution and was out of the picture entirely by the October Revolution of 1917.

Did Russian soldiers support the Russian revolution?

Russia didn't exist during this time... Obviously...and there are no such thing as soldiers, especially not in Europe innand around wwi

What pulled russia out of World War 1 led to communist take over?

The Russian Revolution was the civil war that Russia had for a period of time between the traditional Russian government and the Communists. The Communists would end up overthrowing the Russian government and establishing their own.

How did world war 1 lead to revolution lead to revolution?

Russia was beaten badly by the Germans on the battlefield, while back in Russia, the Russian civilian people starved and went without. Also, Tsar Nicholas was a failure as a leader of Russia, just like French king Louis XVI was a failure. The Germans allowed Lenin (a Russian communist) to travel to Russia to get that nation out of the war, and Lenin led a revolution in Russia to try and solve the internal problems of Russia. The internal problems in Russia would not be solved for a long time.

What event caused Lenin to return to Russia from exile?

The February 1917 Russian Revolution brought Lenin back to Russia. He had been living in Switzerland at the time and the revolution took him by surprise. The German High Command arranged for Lenin to be transported from Switzerland to Russia in a diplomatically sealed train. The Germans wanted Lenin to create more revolutionary disruption in the hope that a new Russian government would get Russia out of World War I.

What of the following was not true at the time of the Russian Revolution?

The Russian Revolution never happened. :)

Who was in control of Russia during the Russian revolution?

By the time of Russian Revolution (October Revolution) the last Russian Czar Nicholas II had already abdicated the crown. From the time he had abandoned his place until October Revolution Russia had been ruled by the Provisional Government. Nicholas II abdicated the crown during February Revolution.

What was the condition of the Russian revolution when Lenin died?

The Russian Revolution as well as the Russian Civil War were both concluded successfully by the time Lenin died in 1924.

Is there a president and king or queen in Russia?

no there is not a king of russia In case this is posted in categories of WW2 or earlier period, then Russia did have a King and a Queen. This was before the Communist revolution in 1917. The Russian royal family was the longest reigning family in Europe and ended with Czar Nicholas. IN the 1700's, one of Russian's most influential monarchs was Queen Catherine the Great.

Where did the weapons for the Russian revolution come from?

Germany at that time was popping weapons out like babies. Russia must have gotten weapons from Germany and other countries, it's really hard to say.

What happened as a result of the Russsian Revolution?

The 'Russian Revolution' of 1917 resulted in the downfall of one of Europe's oldest monarchical powers, Imperial Russia -- and also knocked Russia out of World War I. At the same time, it brought into being the first Communist nation in world history, namely, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Why is the Russian revolution called the February revolution?

International Women's Day, 1917, in St. Petersburg/Petrograd, Russia, marked the start of the Russian Revolution. The dates were March 8th to the 12th on the Gregorian calendar. This is the current common calendar. In Russia at the time, the Romanov dynasty had never implemented the change to the Gregorian calendar from the Julian calendar, as most all other countries had already done. There is a discrepancy between the two systems, which at the time caused the Julian calendar to be 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. So according to Russian calendars at the time, the dates of the uprising were February 23rd to the 27th on the Julian caledar. This being the case the event became known as the February, rather than the March Revolution.