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Q: Who was the US president who agreed to a series of treaties granting panama control over the canal zone by the year 2000?
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Who can reject President's appointments and refuse to ratify treaties?

According the United States Constitution, the US Senate can refuse the president's appointments. It can also reject treaties that have been agreed to by the president.

Why did President Truman agreed to help France regain control over Vietnam?

President Truman feared the spread of Communism to Southeast Asia.

Which president agreed to annex texas?

Sam Houston was the president that agreed to annex the state of Texas. he was actually the President of the Lone Star Republic.

President Truman agreed to aid France's efforts to regain control over Vietnam because he?

Feared the spread of communism in Southeast Asia

Most Americans agreed on what to changes to the article confederation?

Granting congress the power to regulate commerce and to tax the people

Most Americans agreed on what two changes to the Articles of Confederation?

They agreed to change the Articles of Confederation to grant congress the power to regulate commerce and tax the people.

Who was the president when the US agreed to train the South Vietnamese army personal?

President Eisenhower.

Can australia extradite a prisoner using the 1911 extradition treaty between Great Britain and Siam?

Assuming that the subsequent governments still adhere to the provisions of the treaties and agreements agreed to by their predecessor governments, and/or no new treaties and agreement have been agreed to changing this subject, YES, the law should still be operative regardless of the name, or political status of the country at this present time.

Who initiated the tradition of addressing the president as mr president?

Washington agreed to called Mr. President at the request of The House of Representatives .

Who was the president who agreed with the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Franklin Pierce

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How did cartel control prices?

Businesses agreed to limit production.