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A torque wrench was invented by Conrad Bahr in 1918 .

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Q: Who was the inventor of the torque wrench?
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What is a star headed torx wrench?

A Torx wrench is a different kind of wrench for special Torx screws. Same principle as Allen or Bristol wrench. Torx is designed so you can get more torque on the screw.

Which has a greater torque a perpendicular force applied at the end of a wrench handle or an equal force applied in the same direction near the middle of the handle?

the perpendicular force applied at the end of a wrench handle. Because torque= Fd / T = F d cos θ therefore the greater the distance the greater the torque. T=torque F=force d=distance cos=cosine θ=theta

What is mean by reverse torque testing?

Once the initial torque is applied to the fastener, a reverse torque test can be performed to make sure that the fastener has not loosened due to vibration or other conditions like material fatigue or yielding. So, lets say you tighten a bolt to 150inlb with a torque wrench. You should be able to take that torque wrench and apply 150inlb to the bolt in the reverse direction without the bolt loosening (reverse torque is gretaer in almost all cases, depending on materials because initial static friction must be overcome.)

Is a torque wrench a precision instrument?

Yes, a torque wrench is a precision instrument (or tool). -If damaged or even slightly bent it may give incorrect readings. It should always be kept in a separate case or box, nut just flung in a toolbox with over heavy tools (as I sometimes see)

What does a speed wrench do?

A speed wrench ratchets back and forth.

Related questions

Does loosening a bolt with a torque wrench hurt the torque wrench?


What is the difference between torque wrench and socket wrench?

The socket wrench is one among the system of wrenches that departs the wrench handle from the wrench that engages the fastener. Whereas, the torque wrench are the torque indicating socket wrench handle. When it is used properly, that could help you calculate the torque amount while fastening using the wrench. It also limits the amount of torque which is applied on material.

What type of torque wrench has a rod that moves right or left as torque is applied?

A 'beam style' torque wrench.

If you add an exton to your torque wrench does it change the torque?

as long as your extension is 90 degrees from the handle it will not affect your torque wrench. if you use a super long torque wrench you may lose a little torque in the extension it self but should not affect torque. an extension affecting the wrench in lenght like a crows foot will affect torque as long as your extension is 90 degrees from the handle it will not affect your torque wrench. if you use a super long torque wrench you may lose a little torque in the extension it self but should not affect torque. an extension affecting the wrench in lenght like a crows foot will affect torque

What does a mechanic use to tighten a car wheel?

A torque wrench, usually a power torque wrench

Can you use a torque wrench in both directions?

Yes, you can use a torque wrench in both directions.

Calibrated torque wrench method?

the most accurate calibrated torque wrench was using the TWT torque wrench tester products that produce by Stahlwille. Its also called transducer.

What is the torque limit value of a torque wrench?

What hitches should be used with a torque wrench?

A torque wrench should not be used on any hitch type.

How do you use a torque wrench when the manual says to use a foot pound torque?

Use a torque wrench that is graduated in ft. lbs or do the math.

What is different between torque wrench and impact wrench?

There's a world of difference. A torque wrench is a hand tool used to tighten fasteners to a preset torque specification. An impact wrench is a power tool which uses power actuated hammers to tighten a fastener for high torque applications.

Why shouldn't an impact wrench be used in place of a torque wrench?

An Impact wrench is for a totally different use. A torque wrench will let the user know when a certain torque has been achieved in tightening. The impact wrench is for removing very tough nuts under impact of a hammer.