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The Constitution of the United States was ratified in 1789 and the first president under the new government was George Washington.

Prior to the Constitution, there was no chief executive. There were, however, 14 individuals who were "Presidents of Congress" (presiding officers). The first was Peyton Randolph in 1774, by the First Continental Congress.

Following the adoption of the Articles of Confederation in 1781, the first presiding officer of the new unified US Congress was John Hanson, elected to a one-year term on November 5, 1781. He is often referred to as the "first President", but was not a national executive at any time.

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There was no one founder of America. But to put it simple the people was the founders of America.

A group called the sons of liberty was the spark of the revolution. They held the belief that the residence of the new England colonies lived in the America's so long that they no longer had the same life style of Europe and so Europe could not properly govern them.

The Sons of liberty held beliefs that for that time was revolutionary, such as;

*Capitalism (back than it was a relatively new idea proposed by a Scotsman)

*Republicanism (A republic was a revolutionary idea at the time)

*Freedom of speech (in those days you could get hung for that)

*Freedom of religion (As opposed to the corrupt church of England)

*Right to bear arms (In the days where only a lord or officer could wield a sword)

*Innocent until proven guilty (back then it was the reverse)

*No taxation with out representation (No taxing those who are not represented in the government)

*Uniform Taxation (Everyone has the same tax, and everyone pays the tax)

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Q: Who was the real first president of the United States?
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