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The Egyptian god, Ra, was associated with the midday sun. He is depicted with the body of a human, head of a falcon, and a sun disk rested on his head.

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9y ago

It depends on the times. The sun god of the ancient Egyptians went by at least four names, Amun, Ra, Amun-Ra, and Aten. No matter what he was called overthe years, he was the same god.

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Q: Who was the sun god worshipped by the Egyptians.?
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The ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun. This really takes things out of context: the sun is important, but you can't blow it up so that it's a god.

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Horus was worshipped by the Ancient Egyptians ... he was the son of the Sun God. that's all i know.. if you wanna know more,go watch The Mummy..starring Brendan Fraser,Rachel Weisz and Arnold Vosloo :)

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The god Ra was the god of the sun

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Ra is the most well known.

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the sun god was Ra which was the main god

Who was the main god of Egyptians?

The Sun God Ra

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"Ra" was the Egyptian sun god. He was also the creator god.