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No President has ever been removed from office, but Nixon probably would have been (by impeachment) had he not resigned in 1974 and Clinton had they accused him guilty

Impeachment and removal from office are two different things. Impeachment is done by the House of Representatives voting and having 218/434 total votes. Once this is done you can say the president is impeached. The next step is removal from office. This is done by a Senate vote and you need 67/100. Once this is done you can say the president has been removed. Andrew Johnson was the first to be impeached and so was Clinton. Neither one of them were removed from office. Nixon resigned before the impeachment process.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Both Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached, but contrary to popular belief "impeach" does NOT mean "remove", but means to be formally charged with a crime. No president has ever been removed from office.

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13y ago

Vice president Agnew resigned voluntarily , under pressure from legal problems stemming from his past as governor of Maryland, but not because the president removed him or tried to remove him from office. Rufus King died in office but not because President Pierce removed him. VP Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in July of the last year of his office and was indicted for murder and hid out for awhile but not because of President Jeffferson's doings.

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11y ago

John Tyler was ejected from the Whig Party after he vetoed the bill to re-establish a national bank . Andrew Johnson was abandoned by his Republican party- I am not not sure that he was officially removed from it. He left it once he left office and tried to be nominated as a Democrat . Theodore Roosevelt left the Republicans after he failed to get the nomination in 1912.

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13y ago

No one has been removed, but Richard M. Nixon resigned. Otherwise, he would have been removed.

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How can a president be removed?

The president must be formally charged with a crime (impeached) by the House of Reps. and then must stand trial in the US Senate. If convicted, he/she is removed. Impeached does not mean removed. We have impeached two presidents, but have never removed one.

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When the president dies, becomes ill, resigns, is removed, OR IF THEY ARE ELECTED PRESIDENT in the next election.

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