

Best Answer

581-497 B.C.

Pythagoras - Greek philosopher and mathematician

384-322 B.C.

Aristotle - updated engraving; Greek philosopher, educator and scientist; undertook a large-scale classification of plants and animals


Johann Gutenberg - a craftsman from Mainz, Germany. The Printing Press.


Nicholas Copernicus - Polish astronomer; regarded the founder of modern astronomy.


Rene Descartes - French mathematician and philosopher; developed atomic theory


Evangelista Torricelli - Italian physicist and mathematician; invented the barometer (1643).


Blaise Pascal - French mathematician and scientist for whom the SI unit of pressure (Pascal) was named.


Issac Newton - English mathematician and scientist; developed theory of matter; developed the law of gravitation.


Edmund Halley - English astronomer; discovered the proper motion of stars and the periodicity of comets. Halley's comet


Benjamin Franklin - American statesman and philosopher; experimented with electricity; showed that electricity could magnetize and demagnetize iron needles.


James Watt, The Steam Engine.


Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac - French chemist and physicist; developed the law of volumes concerning the combination of gases; discovered boron.


Thomas Graham - Scottish chemist; studied diffusion of gases which led to the formulation of Graham's Law.


Robert Wilhelm Bunsen - German chemist; helped to develop the spectroscope; introduced the Bunsen burner


Louis Pasteur - French chemist and microbiologist; developed the process of pasteurization.


William Thompson (Lord Kelvin) - English mathematician and physicist; recognized the existence of absolute zero; proposed the Kelvin temperature scale (1851).


Pierre Curie - French physicist; researched radioactivity, he and wife, Marie, discovered radium and polonium (1898); they shared the Nobel Prize for physics (1903) with Antoine-Henri Becquerel.


Marie Curie - French physicist; researched radioactivity; she and husband, Pierre, discovered radium and polonium (1898); they shared the Nobel Prize for physics (1903) with Becquerel; Marie received the Nobel Prize for chemistry (1911).


Albert Einstein - American physicist born in Germany; the invention of the photoelectric cell; published his general theory of relativity (1915) which contained a new description of gravity; received the Nobel Prize for physics for his work in quantum physics (1921).


Alexander Fleming - Scottish bacteriologist; isolated lysozyme from tears (1922); observed a mold, he named penicillin, that prevented bacterial growth.


Clarence Birdseye - American inventor and businessman; developed method for preserving foods by quick-freezing (1916-1928); formed General Foods Company (1924).


James Dewey Watson - best known for his discovery of the structure of DNA.

There are at least 431,862 answers to this question. Here are ten: Samuel F. B. Morse: The telegraph.

Thomas Edison: The incandescent light bulb, the phonograph record.

Alexander Graham Bell: The telephone.

James Watt: The steam engine.

Lee deForest: The triode vacuum tube.

Wilhelm Roentgen: The X-ray machine.

Sir Isaac Newton: The calculus.

Edwin Land: The polaroid camera.

George Eastman: The roll-film camera.

Ihor Lys: The Powercore LED system. It's probably more accurate to say that most of these are/were

engineers, not scientists.

Thomas Edison - (technically) invented the light bulb

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