

Who was kkk?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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9y ago

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The KKK Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the name of several past and present secret racist organizations in the United States. They are best known for advocating white supremacy and acting as vigilantes while hidden behind conic masks and white robes. The first KKK arose in the turmoil after the Civil War. It utilized terrorism, violence, and lynching to intimidate and oppress African Americans, Jews, Roman Catholics, and other racial and religious minorities. For all intents and purposes, the KKK was sometimes considered a Christian terrorist organization.

The first Klan was founded in 1865 by veterans of the Confederate Army. Its purpose was to restore white supremacy in the aftermath of the American Civil War. The Klan resisted Reconstruction by intimidating carpetbaggers, scalawags, and freedmen. The KKK quickly adopted violent methods. The increase in murders and lynchings finally resulted in a backlash among Southern elites who viewed the Klan's excesses as an excuse for federal troops to continue occupation. The organization declined from 1868 to 1870 and was degraded by President Ulysses S. Grant's prosecution and enforcement under the Civil Rights Act of 1871.

The Ku Klux Klan was most certainly not destroyed in 1871. In 1871, U.S. Grant signed the "Ku Klux Klan Act" (authored by Benjamin Franklin Butler ) into federal law. This law was overturned in 1882, with US v. Harris.

While some sources report that the KKK was destroyed in the 19th century, a "Second KKK" appeared in the early 20th century, and the KKK-2 plead that they were a reemergence of the original KKK. The movie Birth of a Nation (1915), which glorified the Reconstruction South, did much to stir up the white supremacy sentiment. As a result, the KKK spread significantly and into the North, reaching around one million members (although it is noted that not all members were open about their affiliations). Additionally, the Great Migration showed that African Americans were becoming more mobile, which did much to aggrandize racism already present in society. Meanwhile, the 20s Red Scare and the Palmer Raids caused widespread fear and distrust of immigrants. This, and the fact that immigrants took jobs from working-class Americans, caused the KKK to rally against immigrants (especially Eastern European) and radicals. By the 1920s, the KKK had grown to be anti-African American, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and anti-radical.

The fact is that, like most if not all such organizations, the KKK started and remained a disorganized lot. Today's KKK groups also plead original ancestry from the post Civil War Klan, but this link would have to be tenuous at best.

The FBI mounted major operations against the KKK as late as the 1950-60s, which resulted in downsizing and quite a few convictions. The KKK, much reduced and now no longer popular in anything but the extreme right wing, reduced in numbers and in advertising. However, minor rallies have been reported as recently as 1998, and the Klan is still operational although changed structurally.

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13y ago


Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the name of several past and present organizations in the United States that have advocated white supremacy, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, racism, homophobia, anti-Communism and nativism. These organizations have often used terrorism, violence, and acts of intimidation, such as cross burning and lynching, to oppress African Americans and other social or ethnic groups.

The Klan's first incarnation was in 1866. Founded by veterans of the Confederate Army, its main purpose was to resist Reconstruction, and it focused as much on intimidating "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags" as on putting down the freed slaves. The KKK quickly adopted violent methods. A rapid reaction set in, with the Klan's leadership disowning violence and Southern elites seeing the Klan as an excuse for federal troops to continue their activities in the South. The organization was in decline from 1868 to 1870 and was destroyed in the early 1870s by President Ulysses S. Grant's vigorous action under the Civil Rights Act of 1871 (also known as the Ku Klux Klan Act).

In 1915, a second distinct group was founded using the same name. It was inspired by the newfound power of the modern mass media, via the film The Birth of a Nation and inflammatory anti-Semitic newspaper accounts surrounding the trial and lynching of accused murderer Leo Frank. The second KKK was a formal fraternal organization, with a national and state structure, that paid thousands of men to organize local chapters all over the country. At its peak in the early 1920s, the organization included about 15% of the nation's eligible population, approximately 4-5 million men.[1] The second KKK typically preached racism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Communism, nativism, and anti-Semitism, and some local groups took part in lynchings and other violent activities. Its popularity fell during the Great Depression, and membership fell further during World War II because of scandals resulting from prominent members' crimes and its support of the Nazis.

The name "Ku Klux Klan" has since been used by many different unrelated groups, including many who opposed the Civil Rights Act and desegregation in the 1950s and 1960s, with members of these groups eventually being convicted of murder and manslaughter in the deaths of civil rights workers and children (such as in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Alabama, the assassination of NAACP organizer Medgar Evers, and the murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi). Today, it is estimated that there are as many as 150 Klan chapters with up to 8,000 members nationwide.[2] These groups, with operations in separated small local units, are considered extreme hate groups. The modern KKK has been repudiated by all mainstream media, political and religious leaders.


The Ku Klux Klan are a group of racist white people who have been brainwashed into thinking like Adolf Hitler. That anyone who isn't white should be punished. Their ex-grand wizard (That's like their leader) was Johnny Lee Clary, who is now a Christian who is best friends with a black person. They are confused people who don't know any better. Don't hate them, because to hate would be breaking a very large law. A law set down by Christ, our lord and saiviour, who saved Johnny Lee Clary and helped him to help everyone else.


The Ku Klux Klan are a group of racist white people who have been brainwashed into thinking like Adolf Hitler. That anyone who isn't white should be punished. Their ex-grand wizard (That's like their leader) was Johnny Lee Clary, who is now a Christian who is best friends with a black person. They are confused people who don't know any better. Don't hate them, because to hate would be breaking a very large law; a law set down by Christ.


I don't believe that all members are necessarily brainwashed. Some are, but brainwashing takes some time and skill that I don't believe the members of this group have. Like most "cult" like groups, I think that the majority of members have an inability to think for themselves coupled with a void within their personality that recruiters are adept at recognizing and filling. This would be true of the many militia type groups as well. The susceptible person would join whichever one of these groups that they're exposed to regardless of the ideology. Please see the link below for more information.


The KKK are a group of people that are all about white power and they are just like Adolf Hitler. Hitler thought that if you weren't white you should be exterminated.

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15y ago

the ku klux klan

they were an extreme racist group based in the deep south of America during apartheid (up to the 1960's) They murdered thousands of black people on the basis of hatred of their skin colour.

This is just a very brief overview of a very complex topic. You would be best to look on for a more indepth explaination.

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9y ago

The kkk or or Ku Klux Klan was organized by ex confederate soldiers immediately after the Civil war in the 1860's to fight against reconstruction efforts by the North.

I believe that it was initially started as an organization created to maintain the status quo in rebellion to the abolition of slavery. It quickly began to revert to violence as a means of impressing its will upon blacks and whites who were anti slavery.

It has come into power and faded away several times in history but it has always existed. During periods of black resurgence the klan traditionally resurges also.

The name of the klan comes from the Greek word kyklos which means circle and the Scottish-Gaelic word Clan.

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