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George Washington and James Madison were among the 39 delegates who signed the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.

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Q: Who were the only to presidents to sign the US Constitution?
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Did any Presidents sign the US Constitution?

yes infact there was some of our presidents who signed the us constitution.

Who were the only two presidents to sign the US Constitution?

George Washington and James Madison signed the Constitution.

Who was the only person to sign the US constitution from New York?

Alexander Hamilton.

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Zodiac Sun Signs of Scorpio and Aquarius; each with 5 US. Presidents. Least favorite are the Zodiac Sun signs of Aries, Gemini, and Virgo; each with only 2 US. Presidents.

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What privilege does the president have that is not in the constitution?

The US Constitution has a right to make bills, but only the US President has the exclusive right to sign the Bill and turn it into a law.

What year was the US Constitution sign?

The US Constitution was signed in 1787

When did Alexander Hamilton sign the US Constitution?

When he signed the US Constitution

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Who inwented presidents?

In the US, the office of President is prescribed by the Constitution.

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Who was the last person to sign the US Constitution?

The last person to sign the Constitution is Abraham Baldwin.