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That's easy. You might've thought it was a person, but it was really a monkey, a rabbit, and a frog. This might sound strange, but its the truth. So what are you waiting for? Write this good information on your report!

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11y ago

Richard Nixon - Republican

George McGovern - Democrat
Republican candidates: Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew

Democratic candidates: George McGovern and Sargent Shriver

Nixon won and was elected to a second term, which was cut short by the Watergate scandal.

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11y ago

The nominees for the Republican Party were the incumbent President and Vice President, Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew respectively.

The Democratic Party nominated U. S. Senator George McGovern for President and U. S. Senator Thomas Eagleton for Vice President. However, when Sen. McGovern learned of Sen. Eagleton's history of mental health issues, including having received electro-shock therapy for depression, and how that might affect his duties in the event he became President, he requested that Sen. Eagleton withdraw from the ticket, and he selected to replace him former President Kennedy's brother-in-law, Sargent Shriver.

1972 U. S. Presidential / Vice Presidential Election Results:

  • 520 votes - Richard M. Nixon / Spiro T. Agnew (Republican Party)
  • 17 votes - George S. McGovern / R. Sargent Shriver (Democratic Party)
  • 1 vote - John G. Hospers / Theodora Nathan (Libertarian Party)

At this time (fall, 2012), George McGovern is the oldest living major party U. S. Presidential candidate (90 years of age in July, 2012). In fact, every Democratic Party Presidential nominee back to and including 1972 is still alive in 2012. That list includes George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama.

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Incumbents Bill Clinton and Al Gore for the Democrats, against Republican challengers Bob Dole and Jack Kemp.

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Democrats John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson against Republicans Richard M. Nixon and Henry Lodge Jr.

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Who were the republicans and democratic nominees for president and vice president in 1960?

In the 1960 US Presidential Election, the Democratic slate was John F. Kennedy and Jyndon Johnson. They won. The Republican slate was Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge. They did not win.

Republican nominee for president in 1960?

Richard Nixon

Who were nominees for President and Vice President in 1960?

For the Republican Party it was Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge and for the Democratic Party it was John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

Who was the Republican presidential nomination in 1960?

Richard Nixon, the then Vice President won the Republican nomination.

Who was opponent John F. Kennedy in the 1960 US presidential election?

The Republican nominee for U.S. President in 1960 was the incumbent Vice President, Richard M. Nixon of California.In 1960, Vice President Richard M. Nixon was the Republican opponent of Democrat John F. Kennedy. Kennedy won in a tight election campaign.

First Republican party candidate elected President?

John C. Fremont, the famous explorer, in 1856

Who was elected in 1960 from Illinois?

President Richard Nixon was elected to be the Republican Presidential Nominee at their convention in Chicago, Illinois, in 1960. Many people were elected in 1960 from Illinois.

Was Ronald Reagan a democrat or republican?

He was a Democrat when he was younger, but in the mid 1950's he began supporting Republican candidates, notably Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. He supported Richard Nixon for President in 1960, and officially changed parties to become a registered Republican in 1962. As he put it- he never left the Democratic Party-- they left him.

Who was the loser of the presidential election of 1960?

John F. Kennedy won the presidential election of 1960. A democrat, Kennedy was preceded by republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Who was the president 50 years ago?

Fifty years ago today was 18th December 1960. The US President then was Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower who left office in 1961.

Richard Nixon life before presidency?

Nixon was a lawyer educated at Duke law school and a republican congressman who served as Vice President under Eisenhower. He ran for president in 1960 against JFK, but lost.

Who ran for president in 1960?

Hayato Ikeda was the Prime Minister of Japan in 1960. He served in office from July 19, 1960 to November 9, 1964.