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In the 1960 U.S. presidential election, U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy (D-MA) beat incumbent Vice President Richard M. Nixon (R-CA) 303 to 219, with 15 uncommitted electors giving their votes to Harry F. Byrd.

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Q: Who won the presidential election 1960?
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Incumbent President Dwight Eisenhower won reelection in the 1956 presidential election defeating Adlai Stevenson. John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election defeating Richard Nixon. Lyndon Johnson won the 1964 presidential election defeating Barry Goldwater.

Who won the 1960 US presidential election?

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Was Richard Nixon winner of the 1960 presidential election?

No. He lost the 1960 election to John F. Kennedy. Nixon later won the election in 1968.

Election of 1960?

John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were the parties in the 1960 Presidential election. Kennedy won and carried 23 states.

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John F. Kennedy won the presidential election of 1960. A democrat, Kennedy was preceded by republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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No. John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election defeating Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon won the 1968 presidential election defeating Hubert Humphrey. Incumbent President Richard Nixon won reelection in the 1972 presidential election defeating George McGovern.

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John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election defeating Richard Nixon. In the 1960 presidential election Florida cast its 10 electoral votes for Richard Nixon. George Bush won the 1988 presidential election defeating Michael Dukakis. In the 1988 presidential election Florida cast its 21 electoral votes for George Bush. William Clinton won the 1992 presidential election defeating incumbent President George Bush. In the 1992 presidential election Florida cast its 25 electoral votes for George Bush.

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Dwight Eisenhower won the 1952 presidential election defeating Adlai Stevenson. Incumbent President Dwight Eisenhower won reelection in the 1956 presidential election defeating Adlai Stevenson. John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election defeating Richard Nixon. Lyndon Johnson won the 1964 presidential election defeating Barry Goldwater. Richard Nixon won the 1968 presidential election defeating Hubert Humphrey. Incumbent President Richard Nixon won reelection in the 1972 presidential election defeating George McGovern.

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He was elected November, 1960. He did not finish his first term of office. Died in office in Nov. of 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

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