

Why are Germans evil?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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9y ago

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The problem stems from their ancestery. Being conquered by the Romans and subsequently made civilized by their conquerors, whereas previously they had been barbarians. they felt that they now should do the same to other peoples. So they took it upon themselves to start colonies in the late 19th century.

Unfortunately for them and fortunately for the colonies this didn't quite work out. New Guinea would have been hundreds of times worse than what the Belgians did in the congo should they have succeeded. This failure, however, left the kraut nation, with a huge chip on their shoulder. You average Hun, perhaps called Fritz now had this urge to attack with whatever means possible anyone who pointed out any of their shortcomings. And do they have many shortcomings. Apart from not being able to accept any other cultures, they feel an urge to point any small thing out that doesn't conform to their sense of normality.

Also they take attack people in a evil way. Look at what they do to their former employees that point out that some of the stuff they do isn't legal let alone morally right:

See how they retaliate unjustly here and 5d6f4b4be97c312a5dc07e63. So what is the solution? Next time you see a Kraut, a Hun, Fritz or a gummihal ignore them like an infection disease. The world will be a better place.

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3y ago
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1y ago

Germans are not evil. Nobody was on the so-called 'wrong' side in World War one, it was a brawl between world powers to see who could show off their most badass military the most. Germany joined in to support their inadequate ally, Austria - Hungary, and honour their alliance. What is evil, however is the treaty that followed, crippling Germany and filling the people with hatred. This hatred was taken advantage of by the extremist Nazi Government who used lies to get into the heads of their ever-growing followers. Most importantly they found a scapegoat, a blame. They blamed Jews and Communists for all the crimes in the country. They told their people that any hate they have inside them should be taken out against these 'inhuman' groups of people. Slowly the party grew, until people had no choice but to reject moderate Weimar governments and choose left or right wing. Communism or Nazism. The Nazis promised more appealing gifts to their people, slowly winning more and more seats in the Reichstag (parliament) until they had become the largest party. For 6 years Germany thrived, with Hitler using the 1936 Berlin Olympics to show off how far Germany had come against the hateful terms of the treaty of Versailles. World War Two was a cause of German cockiness and hate of the Treaty, and as the war progressed, Nazi officials prosecuted more and more ethnic minorities and disablists, with nearly all ordinary Germany citizens unaware of the Holocaust. Brutal atrocities were committed to and from the Russians, due to the complete brainwashing that the communists are 'inhuman' and incapable.' Germany is cool now though.

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9y ago

Germans are Very evil. They Started the First and Second World War, and one of the Natives from Germany also supported and Created the Confederate Flag of the United States Named Nicola Marshall from A Rich Racist White Supremacist Family and Designed the Confederate Soldiers Uniforms. Many of the NASA Scientists that joined the Company were involved with the NAZIs before Captured being captured by the American Soldiers and used Black Americans in the Tuskegee Experiment after World War II when the experiment lasted until 1972.

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12y ago

If one Indian migrate to one land then he brings never ending family and friends and Germany is not accepting migration. Secondly Indians bring their Ram culture with them and surely never integrate with other nations, Germany doesn't accept that. Most important Indians hate white people in general, so why should they're welcomed to Germany. BTW, Germans don't hate Indians, they simply don't want 1 billion people occupying this small land.

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I don't think the migration of Indians is an issue in Germany. There is an ongoing integration debate about the consequences of the German Immigration policy, or the lack thereof. The largest portion of migrants in Germany are Turkish.

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13y ago

From experience, most Germans are Anglophile, although, just as there are some British who don't like Germans, there are some Germans who, for personal reasons, don't like the British.

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14y ago

Germans don't hate Americans.

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