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besause theweather sistems are coming from the south

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Q: Why are wet and dry seasons in south east Asia reversed on different sides on the equator?
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Why are penguins not hunted by eskimos?

Because they are on completely different sides of the equator.

When its summer in America what weather is in Europe?

It would be summer because Europe and Asia are in the same hemisphere. They are not on opposite sides of the Earth. Therefore, they both have the same seasons at all times, but the temperatures may be different.

How does temperature change with the seasons?

When the Earth orbits the sun different sides of the earth face the sun.Therefore changing the temperature.

Are Australia and US on different sides of the equator?

Yes: Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere, and the United States lies in the Northern Hemisphere.

Which continents lie on both sides of the equator?

The equator is the line that splits the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Three continents lay of both sides of the equator; South America, Asia and Africa.

Where are seasons different?

yes , they are (:Another AnswerIn some areas of the world close the equator they have the rainy season and the dry season, rather than the 4 separate seasons that occur in the northern hemisphere.

Can you touch both sides of the equator?

Yes, if by sides you mean the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

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Why do men and womens clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

Some think it is because women used to be dressed by others therefore the sides were reversed.

The equator separates the world into?

The equator separates the world into the northern hemispher and the southern hemisphere.

How are the locations of the North and South Pole different?

The poles are on opposite sides of the Equator: the North Pole at 90 degrees N and the South Pole at 90 degrees S.

How can a country be in both hemispheres?

the country would have land on both sides of the equator