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More expensive vehicles now days have some sort of covering above the pedals so you can't see the wires, other wise it is quite normal and harmless unless the wires are hanging low enough that your feet or pedals might snag or tangle with the wires. Either way most vehicles have visible wires above the pedals.

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Q: Why are wires exposed above your gas and brake pedals Is this normal or should they be covered by some type of paneling.?
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Where is the fuel injection shutoff switch on a 1997 Mercury Mystique?

check by the pedals to the left if should be in the paneling there will be a little sticker pointing it out. you'll have to push it up if it has been engaged

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Can you connect boss pedals to digitech pedals?

You can connect any pedals of any brand. Its best if you seperate single pedals away from multi pedals.

Why are a bikes pedals not in the front of a bike?

Hey, that's a good thought! In fact, there are bicycles that lie low to the ground that do have the pedals in front of the rider. Of course, they get pretty wet when it's raining . . . On a normal stand-up bicycle, the pedals are under the rider so that she can use her body weight to help push the pedals. Some people will push the pedals while standing up, thus gaining a lot more power just through using their body weight.

Where is the accelarator and brake pedal provide inthe f1 car?

The Accelerator and Brake Pedals are in the same place in a formula one car that you can find them in a normal car. In the lower region of the car near the drivers feet so that he can comfortably press either of the pedals. They are even present in the same order they are found in a normal road car.

How do you manufacture bicycle pedals?

How fancy do you want them to be? Cheap pedals are die-cast. Expensive pedals are machined.

How many pedals on a standard harp?

7 Pedals

How many foot pedals does a harp have?

There are many different sizes and styles of harp. Typically the larger ones, like in a symphony orchestra, do have pedals while smaller ones do not. The pedals facilitate a wider range of notes than what you could get without them.

Does a harp have pedals?

Concert harps have pedals, to change the key. Celtic harps are smaller and have levers to change the key instead of pedals.

What are 2 machines that have pedals?

Motor cars and Bicycle's both have pedals.

Will the Behringer PB 1000 power all pedals?

The Behringer PB 1000 can power multiple pedals, but it has a limited number of outputs. It may not be able to power all pedals simultaneously if you have a large pedalboard with many pedals. Review the power requirements of your pedals and ensure they are compatible with the PB 1000.

Where can one purchase Zvex pedals?

You can purchase Zvex pedals from retailers such as Amazon. Alternatively, you can also purchase these pedals online from auction websites such as eBay.