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Bombcalorimeter Standarised with Benzoic acid

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Q: Why benzoic acid is been used for calibration in bomb calorimeter?
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What will happen to a chicken bone if you put it in pepsi?

Since Pepsi (like all Cola) is acidic, the carbonate in the bone will neutralise the acid, and the bone will become flexible and less rigid as part of the structure has been lost.

Does melasma go away?

Creams containing tretinoin, kojic acid, and azelaic acid have been shown to improve the appearance of melasma. Occasionally, your doctor may recommend chemical peels or topical steroid creams. In severe cases, laser treatments can be used to remove the dark pigment. Avoiding the sun and using sunscreen are key to preventing melasma. Often when birth control, menapausal supplemental hormones, or pregnancy resolve, it fades away naturally.

Who was the first scientist to make sulphuric acid?

It is unclear who actually was the first scientist to prepare sulfuric acid. Johann Van Helmont is often given credit, as the scientist who first prepared it, ca.1600.Related Information:There is documentation referring to it, dating from about 2600 years ago (appearing on a Sumerian list). So we know that there must have been preparation, and uses for it, prior to that. Documentation from about the beginning of the Common Era show that many physicians, scientists, alchemists, and philosophers observed, used, and worked with it. It is likely that some of these prepared it for themselves, but no documentation exists as proof of who or when.

What is the difference between had been and have been?

had been is the past perfect; have been is the present perfect; will have been is the future perfect.had been is used to describe a condition which existed prior to a certain time in the past: "Before I learned English, I had been able to speak only Spanish.""Before I visited Greece, I had been in France."have been is used to describe a condition which existed prior to the present time:"I have been able to Speak English for many years.""I have been in both France and Greece."

What scientific explanation was given by caporeal as to the cause of the mysterious behavior in Salem?

In the 2 April 1976 issue of Science magazine, Dr. Linnda Caporael suggested that ergot poisoning from grain contaminated with the fungus might have led to some of the incidents of hallucinations and strange physical sensations reported during the Salem Witch Trials. Ergot contains a toxin which resembles the potent hallucinogen Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and it can remain toxic in bread baked with flour that has been tainted by it. Note that her hypothesis is plausible but it has been both prominently disputed and defended by other scientists.

Related questions

Why benzoic acid unmelt even 200 Celsius?

Benzoic Acid has a melting point of 122oC. If your sample did not melt even at 200oC, then you can only assume that the sample in Whole or Part was not Benzoic Acid. It must have been contaminated with some other compound with a much higher melting point.

Why does benzoic acid dissolve in acetone?

Formic acid is produced as a by-product in the manufacture of acetic acid. However, the industrial demand for formic acid is higher than can be made from this route, so dedicated production routes have been developed. One method combines methanol and carbon monoxide in the presence of a strong base, such as sodium methoxide, to produce methyl formate, according to the chemical equation:

Is benzoic acid polar?

Benzoic acid is not a polar molecule because the overall molecule lacks a dipole resulting a slightly positive side and a slightly negative side. In a way you can think of the molecule as neutral and therfore has slightly greater non-polar characteristics. Experiments in which I have been a part in proves this to be true. University of Toronto, St. George; Life Science First Year Student

What measures heat?

Heat is measured by a calorimeter. The calorimeter has been used to measure heat since 1782. Temperature on the other hand is measured by a thermometer.

What is the best method to use for TV calibration?

The best method to use for TV calibration appears to be professional calibration. Either a pro, who has been recommended by a specialty retailer, or an independent contractor certified through the Imaging Science Foundation.

Which is the best calibration management software?

The process of calibrating different equipment can be processes to standard tolerance values. This process is not been an always easy to calibrate a large amount of equipment. By using this calibration management software of Qualityze, you can ensure equipment precision by coordinating and executing calibration procedures which comply with the standard values. This software enables you to standardize the calibration process in your organization and store all your device calibration records on a centralized platform. Calibration management software has the solution which helps to create the calibration criteria and tasks with the specific instructions to the right person for review, approval, and completion.

How do you check if a tool has been calibrated?

The only way to check whether a tool has been calibrated is to review a calibration record, certificate or label to confirm that the most recent successful calibration was done recently enough. To check that a tool is IN calibration, use it to measure an item where the characteristic being measured is already known with high precision and confidence (called a standard). If the measurement result is close enough to the known value, then the tool is in calibration. Sometimes you might want to confirm or check the calibration by checking several standards with widely varying sizes or amounts.

How do you find rise in temperature of water in a calorimeter?

It has been found that 4.2 kilojoules of energy raises the temperature of 1000g of water by 1•c.

What type of weights can be used as scale calibration weights?

Weights which have been carefully measured and crafted for the specific purpose of calibrating scales should be used in scale calibration. These weights need to be of a known weight in order to adjust the scale.

Why would an odometer say im going farther than I actually am?

It is out of calibration maybe because the tire size has been changed or the transmission has been changed or the differential gear ratio has been changed,

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