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According to Einstein's physics, it would require an infinite amount of energy to accelerate a mass to the speed of light. Unless we invent warp drive, it ain't gonna happen. ================================== My high school physics teacher explained that it's like pushing wagon up a hill. As you get closer to the speed of light, the wagon becomes a car. As you get even closer to the speed of light, the car becomes a truck, becomes a bus, etc.


Mass grows as you approach the speed of light. Therefore, more energy is required to move the ever increasing mass.

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Q: Why can't an object with mass travel at the speed of light?
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Why cant you travel at light speed?

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light can travel through a vacuum whereas sound cant

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it cant travel through light.

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light cant travel through opague materials, or anything you cant see through.

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In straight lines (well, "geodesic" might be a better term), and at the speed of light in the medium they're in.

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There are some objects through which light can travel, others it cannot. Light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum and each part has a certain energy level. The energy required to travel through an object varies with the make up of that substance. The property an object has for allowing the passage of electromagnetic radiation to pass is called its transparency. An object may not allow light to pass but allow x-rays to pass because x-rays have more energy than light. There fore human flesh, for instance, is opaque to light but transparent to x-rays. There are other things involved but this is a simplified explanation.

Why cant the speed of light be exceeded?

In our Universe, any attempt to exceed the speed of light, as viewed in any frame, by a particle with mass, will be defeated by the laws of the Universe we happen to live in. Whether or not we like that fact is irrelevent: that's the laws of this Universe. It arises from the fact that an object getting close to the speed of light will get more and more massive as it gets closer and closer. Because of that, it will become harder and harder to make it go faster, as it takes more energy to accelerate an object with more mass.

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I would say that we can't weight light because whether heavy or light. if we weight any substance,if we pass light on that object the mass of that object will be constant so we cant measure light

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because light passes through, and you cant have a shadow with light on now can you?