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Probably, they were too comfortable in the belief that no country would be insane enough to attack the industrial might and strength in manpower (and women power too) of the United States of America. They were wrong. They paid for their complacency at Pearl Harbor (harbour in British English). Japan was to eventually learn that it is not wise (even foolhardy) to pull the tail of a sleeping tiger, especially a tiger as big as the United States.

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Q: Why did Americans not think Pearl Harbor would be a target of Japanese attack?
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Why did the Japanese not tell their pilots who their target was before the attack of pearl harbor?

The airmen knew their targets. They had to study them.

Why did the Japanese chose pearl harbor as the first target in their attack?

to take out the Pacific Fleet, especially the aircraft carriers like the Enterprise

Why was Pearl Harbor not forseen?

Aircraft and midget submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy began an attack on the U.S. Contrary to popular belief, these attacks were not a surprise. The Americans had deciphered Japan's code earlier and knew about a planned attack before it actually occurred. However, due to difficulty in deciphering intercepted messages, the Americans failed to discover Japan's target location before the attack occurred.

Did the Japanese use Midget submarines?

Yes, they used Midget submarines to attack the harbor bridge. The attack lasted 4 minutes but every shot was well short of it's initial target.

Why didthe Japanese choose Pearl Harbor as the first target in their attack against the US?

Almost all of the US Pacific Fleet was moored in Pearl Harbour.

Why did japan plan a large-scale attack against the U.S. naval fleet at Pear Harbor?

The Japanese wanted to cripple or destroy the American Pacific fleet. Their primary target was supposed to be aircraft carriers, but they were all out to sea during the attack.

How did japan attack the US?

Pearl Harbor On December 7th 194, early in the morning a Japanese dive bomber swooped low over Pearl Harbor--the largest U.S naval base in the Pacific. The bomber was followed by more than 180 Japanese warplanes launched from six aircraft carriers. For an hour and a half the Japanese planes were barely disturbed by U.S antiaircraft guns and blasted target after target. The devastation was appalling.

Was the US aware of the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened?

President Roosevelt may have known and we had personnel who were trying to break encrypted information that would have helped determine where the attack was going to happen. Pearl Harbor was suspected to be a target due to location but not a definite target.

What are the names Hawaiian islands that were involved in Pearl Harbor?

Oahu and Ford Island as the primary target and Ni'ihau as accidental target when a Japanese plane landed there.

What were the Kamikaze pilots of the Japanese air force supposed to do after they took off in their planes on a military mission?

The technique of the kamikaze was to crash their plane into their target. So they were on suicide missions. This technique was very successful in the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor and not some other place?

Pearl Harbor was the base of the U.S pacific fleet it thus was attacked because it was the most lucrative target.

Why was the US suprised by the attack of pearl harbor?

"The Americans had deciphered Japan's code earlier and knew about a planned attack before it actually occurred. However, due to difficulty in deciphering intercepted messages, the Americans failed to discover Japan's target location before the attack occurred."so they were not surprised by the attack, but by the location.ref:Hakim, Joy (1995). A History of Us: War, Peace and all that Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press.