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Q: Why did Britain pass the tea act?
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What caused Britain to pass the intolerable act?

the Boston Tea Party

What two laws did the Great Britain pass that made the Colonist upset?

There were more then two, but the two that were important were proclamation of 1763 and tea act.

What did the colonist resent most about the Tea Act?

It gave Britain a tea monopoly

What did the colonists resent most about the tea act?

It gave Britain a tea monopoly

What date did the Tea Act Pass?

it was in 1773

What is one argument of against of the tea act?

The tea act was the act of the American colonists rebelling against the British for taxation without representation on tea, it was also an act of freedom from Britain.

Boston Tea Party facts?

Britain Passed the tea act, which put taxes on the tea. When Britain didn't repeal (withdraw the law/act) they dressed as indians, climbed on British tea ships, cracked and threw overboard 324 chest of tea in revolt to the tea act. hope I helped :D ~thisisnotaname

Why was the Boston Tea Party a revolution?

It was to show Britain that the colonists were through with the tea act!

Why did parliament pass tea act of 1773?


When did the stamp act pass tea?

5/1773 for the tea, but they were 2 different acts.

What act did parliament pass after the Boston tea party?

The Intolerable Acts were passed. These acts were put in place in order for the colonists to pay back for all th tea dumped.

What was the effect of Britain passing the Stamp Act?

Britain passed the stamp act because they needed more of this:$$$