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No one really knows for sure, but there are a couple of good theories out there.

In the spring of 1941, Hitler controlled almost all of Europe. England was doing very poorly at the time, and could not go on the offensive. This left Hitler with 2 choices, USA or Russia. USA was still neutral at this time, and Russia had a very large army, so Hitler may have thought that the defeat of Russia would be the last major hurdle in WWII. Plus, as an incentive, Russia had a lot of oil fields, something Germany was running out of.

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It was part of Hitler's overall vision & plan for Germany, and his primary war aim of the war to defeat the Soviet Union & Communism.

Hitler's Vision

Ø 1924: Hitler dictates Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in prison. It lays out it his thoughts for Germany's future.

Ø Summer 1928-Hitler dictates his second book (unnamed) that outlines his long-term geo-political goals for Germany and the coming of war. Hitler decides to seal the 300 page manuscript in a publisher's safe, and not to publish it at that time. The secret manuscript remained unread until 1958.

Ø Germany must be removed from the constraints of the Versailles Treaty, and allowed to rearm.

Ø The attainment of Racial Purity (strong genes) is the key to the long-term survival of Germany.

Ø Germany must grow, and this will lead to conflict. This is the natural order of things (Social-Darwinism). War is inevitable, if Germany is to prosper.

Ø War(s) with Poland, Soviet Union & France are inevitable & desired. War(s) with Great Britain & the United States may be unavoidable & necessary.

Ø Germany must avoid the mistakes & circumstances that caused failure in the last Great War to win in the next war(s).

Ø Germany needs to become self-sufficient economically and especially agriculturally. Hitler, like many others, had come to believe (incorrectly) that Germany's dependence on (and subsequent shortage of) outside goods was one of the causes for failure in the last war.

Ø Germany needs "Lebensraum" (living space) for German people and farming in the eastern areas of Europe. This was first explained by Hitler in secret meetings with military & foreign policy staff on November 5, 1937, with a target timeframe of 1943-1945. This new farm land would make Germany self-sufficient in food, and other agricultural products.

Ø This requires the "removal" of the entire existing Pole/Slavic population stretching east from the eastern boundaries of Germany out towards the Ural Mountains and the Black Sea. Hitler later modifies his vision for the non-German population to employ in-place "starvation & extinction" instead of physical removal.

Ø Germany must prevent a repeat of the 'stab-in-the-back' scenario that Hitler & others incorrectly believed was a factor in the last war.

Ø Germany must pursue a program to eliminate Jews and Bolsheviks. In Hitler's mind, this will remove those elements most responsible for the previous 'stab-in-the-back'.

Ø Germany must avoid severe rationing or cut-backs in essential consumer goods & food in Germany during the war(s), to prevent decreased morale and satisfaction among the German people on the home front. Again, Hitler & others incorrectly believed this was a factor in the last war.

Ø To accomplish this goal, each military campaign or war(s) should be won quickly.

Ø Enemies should to be targeted & defeated in an ordered sequence, not all at-once. Hitler wanted to avoid simultaneous land fighting on multiple fronts against multiple enemies, as had happened in the last war.

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Q: Why did Hitler choose to invade Russia in 1941?
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Why didn't Hitler invade Russia?

Hitler did invade the USSR on 22 June 1941.

What harsh winter area did Hitler's armies invade?

Russia during the winter of 1941 and 1942.

When did axis powers invade Russia?

22, June 1941

What did hitler do in 1941 that showed his mania had gone berzurk?

He invaded Russia 22 June 1941 .

What year did Germany try to invade Russia in World War 2?

It was Germany who declared war on Russia on June 22 1941

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Why didn't Hitler invade Russia?

Hitler did invade the USSR on 22 June 1941.

Why did Hitler invade Russia in June 1941?

To get more room for Germany

What country did Hitler invade in 1941 that was an ally to Germany?

Russia. Or rather, the Soviet Union.

What harsh winter area did Hitler's armies invade?

Russia during the winter of 1941 and 1942.

Who did Germany invade in 1941 in operation Barbarossa?

Russia .

When did axis powers invade Russia?

22, June 1941

What month did Hitler invade the Soviet Union?

22 June, 1941

When did Hitler begin invasion on Russia?

June 22nd 1941

What year did Hitler take over Russia?

Hitler invaded Russia in 1941 in what was known as Operation Barbarossa, but this invasion was never successful and Hitler never managed to take over Russia.

What did hitler do in 1941 that showed his mania had gone berzurk?

He invaded Russia 22 June 1941 .

What year did Germany try to invade Russia in World War 2?

It was Germany who declared war on Russia on June 22 1941

In may 1941 where did Hitler turn his attention?

22 June 1941 : Hitler moves East to conquer Russia starting with Operation Barbarossa .