

Why did Hitler kill those Jews?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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The main reason why Hitler killed Jews is to show that he had power and control. He believed that the Jews were responsible for most of the evils that were happening in the world among other things.

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12y ago

Hitler was prejudiced against them. According to his government they were enemies of the State and their assets were seized in order to improve Germany's economy after the Depression brought on there by America's own depression.Hitler also instated the Nuremberg Laws which denied Jews a good number of rights they should have been entitled to through their citizenship.As for his religion, he was not Jewish. Roman Catholic by birth and Christian to the public. His own personal beliefs may or may not have been devoutly Christian, but they were far from those of the Jewish religion. Prior to World War II the Nazi political party started a religious movement called 'positive Christianity' which sought to purge Christianity of its Jewish elements.And as for why he started the Holocaust, it can only be assumed. However in his book Mein Kampf he illustrated his ideology, a utopian society founded on race, and included several ideas on anti-semitism and his prejudice against mentally and physically disabled individuals. He believed that it was more humane to kill those that he believed were weak than it was to let them live. Jews clearly fell into that category, hence the Holocaust

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11y ago

no one can really answer that question besides hitler... and he is dead. We can only assume it was because he hated them

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11y ago

because they were not in the race

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