

Why did Italians have to speak italian?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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7y ago

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Italians didn't have to speak Italian, just as English people didn't have to speak English. They spoke these languages because the language developed in their area naturally.

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What percentage of Italians speak Italian?

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What percentage of People in Italy speak Italian?

As a mother language about 70 million speak Italian As a Cultural language about 110 million speak Italian Giving a total of 180 million, with a world population of 6,700,000,000 This comes out at about 2.7% of the worlds population. More information is available on the link below

Why do Italians speak Italian?

Italians seak Italian because it is their national language. The Italian language is adapted from Latin. The region the Italian language was born was Tuscany

Do Italian people always have to speak so fast or is that in their culture?

While Italians seem to speak faster than some other languages, its simply a matter of preference. Some Italians speak slowly. Speaking rapidly isn't a part of Italian culture, but talking expressively, creatively, and using the parts of the body such as the hands, alone with descriptive facial expressions are cultural preferences.