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When Louis XVI succeeded to the throne in 1774, he was 19. He had an enormous responsibility, as the government was deeply in debt, and resentment towards 'despotic' monarchy was on the rise. Louis also felt woefully unqualified for the job.

He aimed to earn the love of his people by reinstating the parlements. While none doubted Louis's intellectual ability to rule France, it was quite clear that, although raised as the Dauphin since 1765, he was indecisive and not firm enough to rule.

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Firstly, the queen insisted that all the family travel together. This meant using a larger, slower coach, which, even with six horses had top speed of only 10km per hour.

The bodyguards were easily recognisable uniforms.

There were six people instead of five listed on the passport.

Louis's himself was recognised on the route to Varennes, and a mob prevented his coach for proceeding.

Louis's advisers suggested he use his bodyguards to shoot their way through the mob, but Louis refused.

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