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The reason he lost power was because the country was tired of fighting wars and loosing their men. The Allies were advancing closer to Italy and the people did not want their land and historical culture destroyed by war. The mechanism by which he lost power was that his government voted him out of office. Mussolini was sick and depressed from the war and he did not have the power to fight them. The Pope called him in for a personal visit and urged Mussolini to accept the vote and resign. He was placed under house arrest until Hitler sent some an elite team of commandos to rescue him. He then became a puppet head of a powerless Fascist government that was subserviant to the German commanders. Breed "New Tech"

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Q: Why did Mussolini lose power in Italy in 1943?
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How did Benito Mussolini lose power?

Answer It is rather odd but he just gave it up. Mussolini had been sick for a long time. On 6 Jully 1943, the Counsel called a meeting to discuss sharing Mussolini's powers. A group of 15 were planning to restore the power of the Grand Counciel and remove Mussolini. They had their usual long discussions late into the night on 24th. King Emanuel proposed to replace Mussolini. They voted to remove him. Mussolini demanded a private meeting with the King. In their meeting the King made it clear that Mussolini's rule was over. Mussolini humbly accepted his fate. Upon leaving their meeting, guards placed him in custody and he was wisked away to a secret location. At 10:45pm, the radio annonced the end of Mussolini's rule.

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They were Allies. But nearing the end when the Italians wanted to kick Mussolini out of power, Hitler sent in German troops to take control. He didn't want to lose the country, so he sent in his soldiers temporarily to fight the Allies and make sure Italy stayed its ally. But he didn't invade it in the way that he invaded other countries such as France.

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Try lose there power by

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Austria lost land to Germany and Italy in 1870.

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Why was Hitler a dictator?

That was what he believed was good for the country. His father was an active socialist. The country was going through economic turmoil and Mussolini thought he had an answer in the Fascists belief.