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During the Cold War, it was the belief of the US that the Soviet Union was engaged in a program of global conquest, by which it would take over countries one after another, until eventually the US would remain as the single independent nation left in the world, at which point it would be subject to crushing economic blockade by the otherwise all-encompassing Soviet world, and then it too would eventually be consumed by the Soviet Dictatorship, which would enslave the entire human race and bring an end to human liberty forever. In order to avoid this unpleasant fate, it was the policy of the US to oppose all communist revolutions or take-overs, wherever they may occur. When communist North Korea invaded non-communist South Korea, the US therefore had to support the south, and when communist North Vietnam invaded non-communist South Vietnam, again the US had to support the south. Although in hindsight we can see that the threat of a communist global take-over was overstated, it is still true that to this day, in the year 2012 as I type, North Korea is ruled by a psychotic Stalinist dictatorship, and South Korea is a prosperous and democratic country which produces amazing YouTube videos, so the US efforts in Korea were not in vain. However, US efforts in Vietnam did prove to be futile. These things can be very hard to predict.

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6mo ago

The United States intervened in the Korean War (1950-1953) to prevent the spread of communism on the Korean Peninsula. It was an effort to defend South Korea against the invasion from North Korea, which was supported by the Soviet Union and China. In Vietnam, the U.S. became involved to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia and support the South Vietnamese government against the communist North. The U.S. feared the "domino theory" where the fall of one country to communism would lead to the fall of others in the region.

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Q: Why did U.S. go to war in both Korea and Vietnam during the cold war?
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Containment. VN & Korea were containment.

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None, the cold war wasn't a war. However...Korea & Vietnam can be considered two "battles" of the cold war; since Korea/VN were "hot" (shooting & killing) wars during the cold war. The cold war was about communism vs free world. Korea/VN were both fought between communists and the free world.

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durin the cold war the three nations that got divided were Korea,Vietnam and,Germany

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North Korea & North Vietnam.

What is the Time difference between Korea and Vietnam?

They were both hot battles of the cold war; both fought against communism, both fought between North and South adversaries, and both wars were sponsored & equipped by Red China and the USSR. Their were three basic differences: 1. Korea was fought on a peninsula; Vietnam was not. 2. Korea could be and was isolated (controlled by the US/Allies); Vietnam could not. 3. Korea was won (the communists were stopped); Vietnam was lost.

What was the Vietnam and Korean War?

Both wars were fought during the cold war against communist aggression. The communists lost the Korean War but won the Vietnam War. Another words the Republic of South Korea exists today; the Republic of South Vietnam does not.

What two places did America fight during the cold war?

The United States fought in more than two places during the Cold War, but the two big ones were Korea and Vietnam.

What country did the US send money to during the cold war?

South Korea and South Vietnam received financial assistance.

Why was the Vietnam war none of your business?

Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the "Cold War". The Korea was the first "hot" battle of the "Cold War."