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The British had three main reasons: (1) they wanted to control the Swez canal which was claimed by the French. That would give them free and guaranteed commercial passage between England and India were a great deal of natural resourses existe; (2) to put down a military coup by the Egyptian Army headed by General Orabi who wanted to remove the Khdeive Said (the king of Egypt at the time) from power. The Khedeive war a tyrant against Egypts' poor and his own soldiers while being a true friend of the French--the perrenial enemies of the British. (3) the British wanted to occupy the vast land of the Sudan with its huge natural resourses but the only way to accomplish that ws to occupy Egypt first.

The British occupation of Egypt existe until Nasser in 1956 forced them to leave.

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11y ago

The British and French controlled the Suez Canal prior to 1956. They were afraid that its nationalization could have a negative impact on the passage of freight (and petroleum) from the Persian Gulf to Europe and the Americas. In 1956, Nasser, President of Egypt, decided to nationalize the Suez Canal. It was in retaliation that the British, French, and Israelis invaded Egypt in an attempt to compel Egypt to return the Canal to European control.

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16y ago

Britain wanted to control Egypt in order to secure the main route to India, Malaya, Australia, New Zealand (and also to Hong Kong), which all belonged to the British Empire at the time.

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12y ago

They wanted to control the Suez Canal. It was a crucial canal that was used to transport goods.

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14y ago

Hsi goal was to conquer all of Africa, to expand his building empire.

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10y ago

Because egypt became significantly important to Britain shortly after the Suez canal was opened in 1869. For more information, visit

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Q: Why did british occupy Egypt in 1882?
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When was Egypt part of the british empire?

1882-1992(they regained formal independence). In 1956 they were a free country

Was Egypt colonized by the British in 1886?

No it was colonised in 1882

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Egypt was under British rule for a number of years. British rule began in Egypt in 1882 and lasted until 1952 and the Egyptian Revolution.

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How did Egypt fall under British control?

Egypt fell under British control in 1882 when it became a protectorate of the realm. It was given independence in 1922.

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Britain conquered Egypt and turned it into a british protectorate

Was Egypt controlled by France in the mid-1800s?

No. France under Napoleon controlled Egypt from 1798-1801, but from 1801-1867, Egypt was an Ottoman Eyalet (Province of the Ottoman Empire), from 1867-1882, Egypt was a quasi-independent Khedivite Sultanate under Ottoman Suzerainity. After 1882, Egypt came under British Occupation.

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The British did colonize Egypt in 1882 after the Second Anglo-Egyptian War. However, as was typical with Old World British Colonies, the British colonized Egypt indirectly by controlling the previous ruling dynasty (the Khedivites). This allowed that all of the infrastructure previously developed by the Khedivites to be effective in maintaining law and order in Egypt.

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1883 one thousand eight hundred eighty three

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Was Egypt a farmer colony?

I am not sure I understand what you are asking, but if you are asking whether ancient Egypt had farming, it absolutely did. One of the benefits of being near the Nile River was irrigation of crops. If you are asking about Egypt as a British colony, the British took over in 1882, after Egypt had been an independent nation for many centuries. But England did not see Egypt as a source for farming; the British were mainly interested in keeping trade routes open, and maintaining influence in the region.