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Because thet are stupid and don't know anything lol jk! I really don't know...Google it. :)

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Q: Why did some historians think the plague started in central Asia?
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The black death. Where and when do the historians think the plaque arrived?

they think it started in 1348-1350

In the fourteenth century the bubonic plague began where?

Actually, it came from China to India and then down to Europe. Many historians think it came through Italian ports.

What direction did the plague spread after 1349?

the plague spread across europe. i think it was north nut I'll have to check

How did Athens become a civilization?

at first historians were not sure but now they think that nomads from the paleolithic era may have started it

Did the the Industrial Revolution spread the Black Plague?

Black Death or The Black Plague was spread by fleas that were on rats. The Industrial Revolution could be the cause of its rapid spreading, but the cause is actually disputed by many scientists and historians. Many think it spread just because of how contagious it was.

When did the first Persian war in Greece Start?

Historians today think the 1st Persian war started around 490 BC.

Where does boccaccio think the plague came from?

he said that god was angry at them at he caused the plague

Where in England did the black plaque strike?

I think you mixed up the term Black Death and bubonic plague. Its not plaque. Assuming you meant the bubonic plague, it was not restricted to England. The whole of Europe and central Asia were victims to its merciless ravage. It happened in the fourteenth century.

Who stoped the plague?

I think it stopped naturally, after all the people who were suffering from the plague died.

What did historians think of hatshepsut?

A lot of historians believe that she was the stepmother of the biblical Moses.

What event do historians say started the scientific revolution?

The scientific revolution was started by the bubonic plague. The plague decimated the population of Europe, so naturally people demanded an explanation from God. To talk to God, you had to go through the Catholic Church, and their official explanation was that the plague was caused by "a triple conjunction of three planets." This cheap astrological mumbo-jumbo was obviously absurd, and people began to doubt the omniscience of the church. For the first time since the era of Grecian philosophers, people began to seriously think about how the world worked. Gone were the days of "God just made it that way!" People became curious, and one thing led to another... ...and that led to Galileo... ...and Newton... ...and Einstein... ...and Stephen Hawking...

What did the people think the reason for the black plague was?

the people thought the cause of the black plague was a witches curse.