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The Nation of Islam wanted to start a black nation with a separate goverment, as it believed that whites were intent to keep blacks poor and powerless.

The Nation of Islam made a number of arguments that are racist toward Whites. Some examples include:

  • Calling the "White Man" the devil and an artificial creation of a Satanic Warlock
  • Supporting Black Supremacy
  • Denying historical contributions of White Men who do not fit the Nation of Islam's historical narrative of Black Repression
  • "Metaphorically" advocating for the murder of "White Devils".
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Q: Why did some people accuse the Nation of Islam of reverse racism?
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Because racism is mean and hurtful to the people who are victims of racism!

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Note: A person of ANY race can be a Racist, not just Caucasians. Let me answer the second question first: The term 'Reverse Racism" is meant to outline Blacks being racist towards Caucasians. When in truth that is not what that statement would mean. Reverse racism would indicate someone having excessive Love for someone for their ethnicity. On to the first question: Does Racism still exist? Yes, very much so. Every time you here someone use a derogatory slander towards someone based on nothing more than their skin color, that is Racism.

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