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Firstly, by being largely unsuccessful the crusades meant that control of the spice trade via the East was outside the control of Western European powers. Therefore, if they were to control access to spices (and therefore to the vast wealth that went with them) they would need to follow a different route Hence, Columbus was actually looking for a different route to the East, not for a new Continent. Secondly, the Christian mission to spread the faith was blocked from the East by the spread of Islam; therefore emphasis for the Church became focused on the souls to be found in the New World.

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Q: Why did the crusades make europeans willing and able to explore the new world?
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The Crusades exposed Western Europeans to ideas and discoveries of the Muslim world resulting in what?

an increase in European education and thought

From what part of the world and from which countries did the first three Crusades start out?

In Europe, and from France, England, and Germany. They went to Israel for the Crusades.

Can the legacy of the crusades still be seen in the modern world?

yes because the middle east movement led by the Crusades can be seen today

Why did the Muslims win the crusades?

Internal conflict between Latin Christians and Greek Orthodox Christians prevented a prolonged unified fight against the Muslims. The majority of the Muslims were Sunni so they didn't have a similar issue. Also, the Holy Land was located within the Islamic World, giving the Muslims the advantage. Finally, the Western Europeans were dealing with a continuous line of barbarian attacks from the north. This disallowed them from fully focusing on the Crusades.

How did the Crusades lead to the Renaissance?

The Crusaders contributed to the increase of trade by demanding more of the goods found in Asia. This increased demand, in turn, led to yet more trade with the Muslim world. Using what they had learned, such as navigation techniques, Europeans then sought trade with civilizations on other continents. Contacts with Muslim scholars and their preserved greek and roman texts brought the Europeans a wealth of knowledge about medicine, art and government, much of which contributed to the change and learning during the Renaissance.

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Why did Europeans want to explore the world in the 1400s-1500s?

Europeans wanted to explore the world so that they could gain wealth

How did the Europeans explore the New World?

The Europeans explored the New World with ships.

What made Europeans eager to explore the world?

they wanted to explore land?

Why did the Europeans began to explore the world?

For land, resources, and money.

What motivated Europeans to explore the world in the 1400 and 1500?

The return of lt mardward

What motivation europeans to explore the world in the 1400s and 1500s?

The return of lt mardward

The Crusades exposed Western Europeans to ideas and discoveries of the Muslim world resulting in what?

an increase in European education and thought

What economic reasons made europeans eager to explore the world?

slavery and black codes

Did many europeans explore the new world looking for a northwest passage to the Atlantic ocean?


What was the cause of the new world?

The New World was started because Europeans wanted to start new colonies and explore the new land.

Why did Europeans in the 1400s and 1500s want to explorethe world?

They wanted to explore the world to get more knowledge about it, to get spices from Asia, and gold and silver.

What two islands or continents did the europeans consider to be the new world?

Europeans considered North and South America to be the "New World" when they began to explore and colonize these continents in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.