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They probably rotted first because organic food doesn't have any pesticides or preservatives. You can prove that food with preservatives lasts longer by comparing a piece of organic bread to a twinky over a long period of time spritzed with water. The twinky naturally lasts longer because it is loaded with preservatives, the same reason that the strawberries without preservatives rot first, although my personal choice is still organic food because it is all natural and usually doesn't have any health risks. There are ways to naturally preserve fruit, though. For example, you can wet the organic strawberries then place them in a ziploc and then leave them in your freezer. Whenever you want to eat some, just hold the closed bag under warm water and then put it back in the freezer when you're done.

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Q: Why did the organic strawberries rot first?
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Which fruit rot faster grapes or strawberries?

It depends on whether the non-organic fruits have been treated to make them have a longer shelf life. If they have not been, the organic fruits would not rot any faster than the non-organic.

Does wet strawberries rot faster?

I find that wet strawberries do rot faster.

Do organic or non organic fruits rot faster?

Organic and non organic fruits would rot at the same or similar rate, unless the non organic fruit has been treated with something so it will not rot as quickly as the organic.

Why do strawberries rot?

Strawberries actually rot fast because of many different reasons. Just think about it, strawberries are transferred to many different places. When we go and buy strawberries from the grocery story, and take them home they last about 3 or 4 days. Many it's because strawberries travel. In the summer time we go strawberries to eat, but in the winter time strawberries are transported from places like California (where it rarely has bad weather). Strawberries also probably rot fast because when strawberries are been delivered to different places they are sitting in trucks, planes and cars to get to different destinations. That is why strawberries rot fairly fast!

Does cream cheese rot?

Yes. There are very few organic items that do not rot.

Do organic food not rot so fast like other food?

Organic foods rot faster because they havent been treated with preservatives.

Why do strawberries spoil faster than bananas and apples?

I don't think strawberries rot faster than a banana. Bananas because they turn brown and moldy after a short period of time. Although the temperature determine when an apple will rot.

Does a fruit rot or mold?

Yes in fact I recently justgotdone doing a experiment on rotting on strawberries and outcomes say both mold and rot were present

What organic molecule do strawberries possess?

Thousands or hundreds of thousands of them.

Do organic foods rot faster?

It depends on the type of food

Do pine cones rot?

Eventually Yes they do, as all other organic things. It does take more time than for example a leaf to rot, but yes, it does rot.

Are non organic strawberries safe to eat?

yes. Organic means that they didn't use fertilizer or pesticides and as long as you wash them there is minimal to no residue.