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Well, most people enjoy feeling spoilt, and no-one feels special or spoilt when they're sleeping on a floor. Beds keep people like that happy. Also, beds are more than common, they're universal. If someone comes to your house and they see you sleeping on the mattress on the floor, then that will trigger the sympathy gene. Its where people PRETEND to feel sorry for you but are actually secretly glad they're not poor and deprived. Like you, the person with no bed. And can you imagine children sleeping on mattresses on the ground? How scary would that be to a one year old? Everything is bigger and taller from the ground- imagine cupboards looming over you when you were little, and shadows huge and dark. I'd bet most of them would have nightmares. Beds make up a bedroom. That's why they're called BEDROOMS. Rooms with the sole purpose of having BEDS in them. AND, to top it all off, beds are comfy! Beds make people feel safe and secure, getting them to sleep quicker, and not keeping them up all night, if they were on just a mattress. So, in conclusion, people buy beds because they're nearly necessities in life.

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Q: Why do 90 percent of people pay the unnecessary cost of buying a bed to put air space below them instead of sleeping on mattress on floor?
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ima also have troubles like it , im just buy a new mattress from dreamcloud (if you know what is it) . You also can by that one , if you will by a new mattress therer , please , use my link , i will have a little percent from your order , and you will have a sale . Thanks . h ttps :// yazing .com/ deals/ dreamcloudsleep/y atsenko21 ( remove the spaces please, as the site does not skip messages with links)

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