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Its not about their lineage. When your brother takes your father's wealth from you, how do you feel? Its the same the thing happening over there in palestine which is the root cause for this hatred. There is hatred between christians and Jews even now cause Judah was a Jew who betrayed Jesus. But things changed now and lets hope the palestine issue get solved sooner and things will change.

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12y ago

The problems between Jews and Arabs started way back in the days of Abraham. Both Jews and Arabs are descended from Abraham and there was a prophecy about Hagar's son, whom many believe to be the original ancestor of the Arab people, that said that "his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." This is from Genesis 16:12 in The Bible.


there is no hatred between good wise people of either group; the difficulty stems from such factions as radicals, bigots, people who can't see the more compelling truth for the bigoted interpretations, etcetera. However, even without hatred between wise people, there is naturally a climate of limited trust as a result of the danger posed by the said less-wise factions.

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9y ago

Answer 1

The disputes between Jews and Arabs are all about land, They began in the 20th century, particularly after 1948 when the State of Israel was declared.

Prior to this, a great many Jews lived peacefully and often prosperously in Arab countries. In fact, Middle Eastern Jews called themselves "Arab Jews", distinct from the Ashkenazic {"German") and Sephardic ("Spanish") Jews. However, since 1948, the Arab Jews have dropped that appellation and are now included with Sephardic Jews.

Answer 2

I think by your question you mean the "Arab-Jews" and the" Arab-Non-Jews", since that's how it's counted. There's a well-known story of how the Jews came to the Middle East, Saudi-Arabia to be precise, and were waiting for the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to appear, since that was written in their books, the Torah.

But all the hatred the Jews have against Arabs is because the prophet came from the illiterate Arabic people, and not from them, the Jews.

Now, since they read so much about him, and how that he is going to finish the message of Allah, how possibly can he not be one of them?? So they had so much envy towards the Arabs.

Answer 3

Answer 2 fails to have an accurate understanding of the Jewish view of Mohammed, which is to say that they do not respect his prophecy, period. There is no envy or anger concerning this fact in the same way that Muslims could care less about whether the Buddha truly attained enlightenment or not. Mohammed is just not relevant to Jewish thought. What Jews are angry about as concerns Arabs is their consistent denial of historical wrongdoing and segregation (such as the dhimmi status, the jizya and kharaj taxes, and humiliation in general), their failure to educate their children in the virtue of tolerance (instead teaching them literalist Qur'anic interpretations which inform them that Jews are the children of swine and that jihad will not end until all Jews die), the promulgation of anti-Semitic teachings (such as the Protocols of Zion and Holocaust-Denial), their toleration of torture and other vast human rights abuses in their native countries, and a failure to accept the validity of a Jewish State.

Arabs are angered primarily, as concerns the Jews, with the issues in Palestine where Jews forcibly resettled and eliminated hundreds of Palestinian cities. This grave violation of the Rights of the Palestinians greatly incenses the Arabs. Another issue that bothers the Arabs is the Jews have, in spite of their numbers, garnered an important place in the world economy. Even though most rational Arabs realize that Jews do not actually control the economy, there are a disproportionate number of Jews in prominent economic and political positions, whereas Arabs have been almost completely excluded from the World Economy. Arabs are also angry that Israel appears to be expanding its territory with its conquest of the Sinai Peninsula on two separate occasions, its annexation of the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem (in contravention of the Arab understanding of UN Resolution 242) and continued settlement of the West Bank. Jews outside of Israel do not criticize these actions.

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Q: If both Jews and Arabs can trace their lineage back to a common ancestor Abraham then why do they hate each other?
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Distinguish between Arabs and Muslims. Abraham (or Ibrahim) is indeed the legendary ancestor of the Arabs, through his illegitimate son Ishmael, as he is the ancestor of the Jews through his legitimate son Issac. As Ishamael was the older, the Arabs/Muslims tend to gloss the illegitimacy and insist that Ishmael, not Isaac, was the one all the stories are about (e.g., was the one NOT sacrificed to prove Abraham's devotion). In fairness, Ishmael wasn't "illegitimate" in the same sense that Europeans would think of it; although Abraham wasn't married to Ishmael's mother, Hagar, he was entitled to have children with her as she was his wife's "handmaiden" or slave.

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