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The Bible (Genesis 17:23) notes that Abraham circumcised not only Isaac and Ishmael, but also the entirety of his household, even though they were not part or parcel of what would become part of Abraham's heritage. This is made specifically clear by the fact that some of these individuals were foreigners. Therefore, being circumcised is not an indication of a requirement for all of those individuals to circumcise their descendants, otherwise we would see ancient Israelites demanding that their slaves and "strangers among them" be circumcised. Instead, being part of the Abrahamic covenant is requisite to being circumcised and while Jews believe that Ishmael has a God-given role to play in the world as ordained in the Biblical period, it is not the Abrahamic Covenant. This passed exclusively to Isaac (Genesis 17:21) and then Jacob. The only two prophecies that Ishmael was to fulfill were to be numerous (Genesis 17:20) and to have his hand against the world (Genesis 16:12).

In Judaism, the requirements for any non-Jew are exclusively those laid out in the Seven Noahide Laws. None of them require non-Jewish men to be circumcised. It is certainly permissible for them to do so, but Judaism does not claim that they must do so.

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Q: Why do Jews believe that circumcision is not required of the descendants of Ishmael even though Abraham circumcised Ishmael?
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When does God command Abraham to circumcise Isaac?

The commandment of circumcision was in place, and Abraham was circumcised, about a year before Isaac was born. So Isaac was circumcised shortly after his birth, with no repetition of the commandment required.

Is it necessary for Israelites to be circumcised?

It is absolutely necessary for every male Israelite to be circumcised. The circumcision of every male was the sign which proved there was an everlasting promise between God and Abraham. God promised to give Abraham many descendants; he also promised to be the God of Abraham and his descendants forever and to give them the land of Canaan: "I will give you many descendants, and some of them will be kings. You will have so many descendants that they will become nations. I will keep my promise to you and to your descendants in future generations as an everlasting covenant. I will be your God and the God of your descendants. I will give to you and your descendants this land in which you are now a foreigner. The whole land of Canaan will belong to your descendants forever, and I will be their God." (Genesis 17:6-8). Abraham was obligated to keep this promise: 'God said to Abraham, "You also must agree to keep the covenant with me, both you and your descendants in future generations. (Genesis 17:9). How was Abraham to keep this promise? By circumcising every male: "You and your descendants must all agree to circumcise every male among you. From now on you must circumcise every baby boy when he is eight days old, including slaves born in your homes and slaves bought from foreigners. This will show that there is a covenant between you and me. Each one must be circumcised, and this will be a physical sign to show that my covenant with you is everlasting." (Genesis 17:10-13). THE IMPORTANCE OF CIRCUMCISION IS THIS... If an Israelite male is NOT circumcised, he will not be considered one of God's people: "Any male who has not been circumcised will no longer be considered one of my people, because he has not kept the covenant with me." (Genesis 17:14). The Israelites of today have a lot to learn about the importance of circumcision. Unfortunately, many of them mistakenly believe that circumcision isn't necessary, but the scriptures prove otherwise. (Scriptures taken from the 'Sunrise Good News Bible')

Is the covenant between God and Abraham conditional?

The only condition that is mentioned is that Abraham and his descendants be circumcised (Genesis ch.17).

Was Mohammad circumcised?

No he was not.a reason for Islam circumcision is "to be like Muhammad, who was 'born circumcised'". This can easily be refuted: if the Prophet was born without a foreskin (aposthetic), he was not circumcised, and that is the way to be like him.Like Judaism, Islam forbids disfiguring the body:There is no mention made as to the circumcision of Mohammad anywhere. And the community of which he was a part did not circumcise.Answer IIMolana Safi UlRehman Mubarikpuri has cited different references in his famous book Alrahiq Ulmakhtoom that Prophet Muhammad pbuh was circumcised on 7th day after his birth , reference ibne Hisham1 / 159 ,160 .Alrahiqal Makhtoom, pp 83 Urdu edition .

Did circumcision really originate from the Hebrews?

No,Circumcision definitely dates back to the ancient Egyptians. which is most likely also origin Hebrew circumcision. The origin of circumcision is unknown. According to the Torah, Abraham circumcised himself and Isaac, but it is unknown if the tradition was known to other peoples at the time.

Do you have to cut of your foreskin to be Jewish?

Abraham was circumcised, so Most Male Jews have had their penis circumcised, the removal of the foreskin. No Jewish woman has Ever had her genitals cut up. Circumcision Only applies to the Men, never to the Women in Judaism.

What does Roman's chapter 4 verse 16 mean?

Paul takes up the case of Abraham because those who were teaching that Gentiles must become Jewish proselytes in order to be Christians based their claims on God's promise to Abraham, which were linked to the sign of circumcision: if one was not of the seed of Abraham by nature, he would have to become so by circumcision. Paul explains that the promise was given on the basis of Abraham's faith while he was still uncircumcised. Thus, Abraham's heirs are those who have the same faith, rather than those who are circumcised. The grand thing in Abraham's life was his faith, not his circumcision.

Are Palestinians descendants of Abraham?

Oh no palestinians are not descendants of Abraham.

Who are Sarah and Abraham's descendants?

The Jewish people are the descendants of Abraham and Sara.

Does Abraham's covenant of circumcision follow the male or female line?

The question does not read clearly.1) If it is asking whether the males or females in the family get circumcised, the answer is Males:Gen. 17:10 This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised.2) If it is asking whether the male to be circumcised comes to be circumcised on account of his mother's Jewish-ness or his father's Jewish-ness, the answer is that the mother determines the Jewish-ness of the child and whether or not that child should be circumcised. (This comes from the Talmudic Interpretation of Deut. 7:3-4. Read more at the Related Link.)In the case of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother, the child will have to be converted prior to being required to be circumcised. He can certainly be circumcised while not being Jewish and convert later, but the requirement to be circumcised only applies at the moment of conversion. If the non-Jewish mother converts before the birth of the child, the child is born Jewish.

What was the sign of God's covenant with Abraham?

Jn:7:22: Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man. Acts:7:8: And he gave him the covenant of circumcision: and so Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs.

What did Abraham agreed to practice when he made the covenant with God?

Circumcision (Genesis 17). Answer 2 God said, the whole land of canaan... i will give as an everlasting possesin to you and your descendants after you; and i will be their God.