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OK there are a several good reasons. First - obvious - a vein or artery has been cut. Now why bleeding is a mixed blessing. First, the blood flow often flushes out a wound cleaning it and preventing infection. Secondly, The blood on the outside once exposed to air forms the patch/scab on the wound to seal it, and again, prevent infection and help it stay closed so it can heal. Now the bad side - deep wounds or large ones generally don't stop bleeding without help from a doctor or someone with medical knowledge. Apply pressure to large fast flowing wounds and keep clean dressings/rags on them until you can get help from a doctor/medic.

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Q: Why do a wound bleed?
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so that there is no swelling not the wound and it will also not bleed.

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Why is bleeding considered good for a wound?

Bleeding is considered good for a wound because it cleans the injured area. However, you should not let a wound bleed too much. If the wound continue to bleed apply pressure and raise the level of the wound above the heart if possible to decrease blood flow. Blood also contains clotting agents, which will help to create the scab that will cover the wound during the healing process.

Will an astringent substance make a wound bleed?

yes, astringent means to strongly bite or plunge

Do trees bleed?

No. When a tree is damaged or a branch broken sap will escape from the wound. This is known as bleeding.

Can you get a dogs stitches wet?

no you cant because otherwise the stitches will get wet and then get soggy and fall out then if the wound isn't healed enough then the cut, or wound could bleed a lot.

Can a bird bleed to death if it cuts it nail?

Yes, that is the truth. Do not ignore this.If i If it starts to bleed, apply pressure and flour/cornstarch to the wound. If the wound will not stop bleeding, try to get your bird to stand in a bowl of cornstarch 2 to 3 minutes before taking him to the vet.

Can someone bleed to death from a bullet wound to the bicep?

Sure, if it hit a blood vessel as it passed through.

What circumstances should you touch an open wound with your fingers?

When possible, you should use a clean dry cloth, even a shirt, scarf, necktie, etc. However, if an artery has been cut, you will likely have to use your bare hand(s) until you can grab or obtain a cloth. Any time a wound bleeds profusely, or the wound is pumping blood (sign of arterial bleed), the wound requires immediate pressure.NOTE: The scalp has a huge supply of blood vessels. So head wounds bleed much more even for minor cuts. But a few minutes of pressure should slow or stop the bleed from a head wound.

Why does your finger bleed when it get cut?

Because theres obviously blood under the skin and when there is an open wound the blood flows out.

Is bleeding an adjective?

It can be (a bleeding wound). The word bleeding is the present participle of the verb (to bleed) and can be used as an adjective or a noun (gerund).