

Why do cats get the flu?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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15y ago

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dont worrie! your cat didnt catch your cold,and you cant catch its! and they probobly have hairballs

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Q: Why do cats get the flu?
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Can a house cat get cat flu?

Yes, cats can die from Cat Flu (Feline Herpes Virus/ Feline Virus Rhinotracheitis/Feline Calicivirus), however it seldom causes death in previously healthy cats. Kittens and older cats are more at risk from Cat Flu.

Can animals get the flu?

There are reports of cats getting the swine flu from their sick owners during the H1N1/09 pandemic. Since kittens, like human children, are more susceptible to infectious disease until their immune systems fully mature, it is likely that kittens can get at least some types of influenza from owners too.

Can cats catch a human virus?

Cats can, and do get the flu. However, they cannot catch the flu from humans because that particular viral strain doesn't cause the severe immune system response that causes the symptoms you and me feel as the "flu" and thus, the virus cannot propagate in felines. Like most mammals, there is a particular strain of the flu virus called "feline influenza" which does cause severe flu symptoms in all types of cats. We cannot catch the flu from cats and they cannot give it to us. Most cats get vaccinated at their first vet visit. Humane societies do it on-site usually along with a number of other vaccines.

Can you give your pets the flu?

Some types of flu can be given to your pets when you are ill. During the Swine Flu pandemic there were known cases of pet dogs, cats, ferrets, and birds catching the flu from their owners. It was also known to have infected pigs, turkeys, other fowl and a captive cheetah.

How do cats catchneumonia?

In the winter if your cat is used to staying inside the house and you put it outside the cats affects will change and get a cold.

How do animals spread Swine Flu?

Not all animals can get the types of flu that people get. Only a few types of animals have caught swine flu. There are different kinds of swine flu, not all of which people or other types of animals can catch. Some animals that have caught swine flu H1N1/09, the pandemic flu of 2009, are cats, dogs, ferrets, poultry and birds. But those that do catch swine flu spread it the same way people spread the flu to each other, through respiratory droplets from sneezes and coughs (this is why you should cover your mouth with a tissue or your elbow if you sneeze or cough). They also can get the flu by coming in contact with flu virus particles that have been released and are on surfaces that they touch. Most domesticated animals that did get the pandemic flu lived very closely with humans, like pet ferrets, dogs and cats living in people's homes while they were sick with the flu.

Can you give cat flu to other cats?

No. Cat flu can only infect cats. Cat flu, like a human cold, is contagious, so cat flu can spread quickly in a multi-cat household. If your cat starts sneezing, become lethargic, off its food, has mucus coming from its eyes or nose you should take them to the vet & have them checked out. Most vets will often prescribe a week-long dose of antibiotics. Never use your own medicine on your pet.

Is the Swine Flu deadly to animals?

Yes pigs and birds can die of swine flu (H1N1). With the pandemic swine flu of 2009, H1N1/09, there were various animals, besides humans, birds and poultry, and pigs, which were known to have had it, such as dogs, cats, ferrets, and one cheetah.

CAN cats give girls or women diseases?

Indoor cats no. If you have an outdoor sick cat, dont go near it unless you wash your hands afterwards. Soem people however think that the swin flu started from cats. Nothing has been prooven.

Is it possible for a cat to get the Swine Flu?

Yes there have been several cases reported in cats who lived very closely indoors with their owners.

Can you get Swine Flu from pets?

It is possible but rare. There have now been recorded transmissions of swine flu H1N1 to cats so it would be possible to have an infected cat transmit to a human. This has yet to be recorded but give it time and it may happen someday.Pets have infected their owners with bacterial infections but I know of no instance where swine flu has done this.

What are the symptoms of cat flu do kittens get it?

Yes, cats and kittens can most definitely get the flu - it can be pretty serious sometimes and fatal in kittens. Symptoms can include sneezing, runny eyes and nose and loss of appetite. A trip to the vet is highly recommmended if you suspect your pet has cat flu. It's worth noting that humans can't catch flu from cats and vice verse. There's plenty of help and information on cat flu and cat colds at