

Best Answer

Normally that is result of a hereditary male bladness syndrone from your mother's side and has nothing to do with diet.

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Q: Why do i lose enough hair to clog up my shower when i am only 17 years old and eat on a healthy diet?
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Why won't your shower drain?

Probably a hair clog. Snake it or use a drain cleaner.

Will a hot shower help your cold?

Not really. The steam will most likely just clog your sinuses.

How do you unplug a shower head?

do you mean un-clog a shower head? u need to unscrew the head and clean out the screen filter and then replace the head again

Why does a ground level kitchen sink back up when the upstairs shower is turned on?

There is a clog between the sink and the line to the street or septic tank. The sink is the easier path for the upstairs shower.

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The usual purpose is as a screen to keep out leaves and sticks that might clog the gutter. Anything small enough to fit through the gauze shouldn't cause a clog.

Does the Barcelona White Finish Showerhead clog in hard water?

With proper care it should not. However any shower head can have hard water build up with out the proper cleaning.

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Although bacon is very delicious, it isn't very healthy. Bacon can clog up your arteries and die. Bacon can be eaten every once in a while but it can't be an everyday thing.

How to unclog a basement shower drain that is clogged with cement?

Run a snake down it to see where the clog is, cut out the floor, remove that section of pipe, replace it and pour a new floor. There is nothing that is going to dissolve the cement. You could try scraping at it with the snake. May be loose enough to dislodge and get down the drain, but I wouldn't count on it.

Why do all of these small air bubbles like an Alkaselzter tablet keep flowing into the toilet after I flush it?

Small air bubbles in the toilet after you flush could indicate a clog. The clog may not yet be big enough to stop the toilet from flushing but you should take care of it before it gets worse. You should get an auger to clear the clog.

Can you put regular gas in a remote control car?

NO in most remote carsregular gas is not fine enough. it will damage and clog the motor

What is the least resistant tissue or organ regarding metastasis?

the lungs are where things start getting small enough to clog and hold a metastasis

Why would a toilet back up into the shower?

A down line clog would cause this. The shower drain is lower than any other drain in the bathroom so it is the first to tell you of a clog in the line. Time to Roto Rooter! Y-THINK-Y The toilet and shower must have the same drain. There is a blockage somewhere after the toilet and shower drains meet. The backup takes the easiest route back which must be the shower drain. Try snaking out both drains. Start with the toilet. To do the best job, remove the toilet and start from floor level.