

Why do male bettas try to fight their reflection?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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They see them the same as other male bettas,as competition,they cannot tell the diffrence between their reflections and other bettas.

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Q: Why do male bettas try to fight their reflection?
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Do betta fish like looking into a mirror?

normally males will attack their own reaflection and females will not

Can fish harm each other?

well if its a betta fish then yes, two male bettas in one bowl may result in one killing the other. you may also notice that even when there is only one male betta is in a bowl it will try to attack its reflection thinking its another male betta

Is it normal for a male fighting fish to attack its own reflection and how can you prevent this?

Yes, try to put him in a bowl that doesn't show his reflection too much. Infact, it's a myth that bettas like small enclosures, he should have at least a 2 gallon aquarium.

Can you put two female bades with one male in one tank?

I am assuming you mean Bettas. A male Betta needs to be kept away from all other Bettas. They can not be kept together. The male would kill at least one of the females. Then he would either breed with the living female and then kill her if she is not removed or he will try to spawn her and if she is not ready he will kill her anyway. This is how the Bettas evolved. Although they will mix with most other species OK male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in their tank.

Are male betas scared of mirriors?

They are not scared. They attack the reflection in the mirror. Male betas are aggressive toward other male betas, so when they see there reflection, they flare up and try to attack the "other fish."

Your male betta doesnt flare at other bettas he just ignores them is he just friendly or what?

This is indeed unusual of a male betta. Try changing its water and a little bit of aquarium salt, also try improving the fishes diet.

Would a betta fish eat a koi fish?

The kio would be to big. But it would try to attack it. Then they will fight. Dont put bettas with other fish.

What does a fish do if you hold a mirror in front of it?

The fish will either swim back and forth trying to figure out what it is or try to fight the miror that depends on what kind of fish it is The fish will either swim back and forth trying to figure out what it is or try to fight the miror that depends on what kind of fish it is

How do you pick a healthy betta fish to buy?

there is not really a "best" betta to have i do not recommended dumbo bettas also known as elephant ear bettas because it it hard for these fish to swim and is not a good life for them never under any circumstances keep males together some males will get along with females if you decide to keep males and females try to get a young male he will get used t them i will probably not fight if they do put the male in a jar put a hole in the lid for air and put him back in the tank of females a few days later. females don't fight. i have breed bettas so i know a good bit about them:)

Will male gerbils an dfemale gerbils fight?

no but they will have babies and when they do the father will try to eat them so if you do have babies take the father away when they are being born. male gerbils fight with each other.

Can fish breed?

yep if you want to breed fish then don't try bettas because the fight to much. but if you do want to breed fish then id breed either swordtails mollies or guppies

Where do you get beautiful bettas?

i would try breeders or betta shows