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because they help members of Congress get reelected

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Q: Why do members of Congress pass pork and earmarks?
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How are earmarks passed?

Earmarks also known as pork barrel are normally attached to another bill and passed with no discussion, by a vote of the Congress.

Federal projects that legislators bring to their districts?

they are called 'earmarks' or 'pork barrel's'

What term refers to government projects and grants that benefit a congress members home state?

pork-barrel project

Why would members of congress try to get pork barrel project?

members of congress they participate though does much of his work for the people of increase the voting strength of a particular group to do as part of its expressed powers to support armies lobbyist people of congress try to get pork barrel projects

What is a bill that uses federal money for a special project in the legislators home district?

Such bills have been known as "earmarks" and also "pork barrells".

Why do member of congress try to get pork barrel projects?

Congress members try to get these projects because those are government projects and grants that primarily benefit the home district or state.

When Barack Obama hands out money where does this money come from?

The money comes from congress, whose job it is to make the laws, pass budgets, allocate funds for certain programs, etc. But contrary to the rhetoric on political talk shows, no president, Barack Obama included, "hands out money." In fact, the problem of government waste often starts with lobbyists, who persuade presidents and members of congress to pass legislation that will benefit special interests. These special interest groups often are big donors to political campaigns, so in the midst of even the most benign bills, there may be money set aside to benefit particular pet causes from organizations or advocacy groups who made major contributions to members of congress when they ran for office. In fact, members of congress from both political parties have made these kinds of arrangements for several hundred years: you may often hear it called "pork," or you may hear it referred to as "earmarks." Thus, while it may look to his detractors like President Obama is "handing out money," the problem is much more complicated. Any president can champion certain programs, but it's up to the congress to vote on what priorities get funded.

What are pork barrel riders?

Earmarks placed on legislation that mandate spending on "pet items" in a specific legislative district. Things like Alaska's bridge to nowhere or the National Mule Museum.

Is federal funding for mosquito abatement research is an example of casework?

Federal funding for mosquito abatement research is not an example of casework. It would be an example of earmarks, sometimes referred to as pork barrel spending.

What is pork bellying on a bill mean in congress?

Congress must pass a bill for it to become a law. Some congressmen add special projects to bills, which benefit only their district. This spending money in a particular congressman's district for a particular activity is called, "pork." Should the Federal Government pay to build "The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?" Pork bellying simply means that congressmen keep adding special projects that will help certain individuals or communities.

Members of congress seek committee assignments based on what?

Its based upon four things. 1) their own interests or expertise 2) the power and influence the position brings. 3) reelection incentives. 4) opportunities for pork

What do you call special projects in congressional districts added to bills that really waste money?

These are often referred to as "pork-barrel spending" or "earmarks." They are funds allocated for specific projects in certain congressional districts, typically for political gain rather than based on merit or necessity. Critics argue that they can lead to wasteful spending and resources being misused.