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the spanish

Actually the Arawaks were they the first people to come to the caribbean . Then came the caribs , but more waves of these people entered the caribbean and then the spanish came

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12y ago
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13y ago

The descendants of Caribbean people will come from the current Caribbean people.

However, if you mean where did the ancestors of Caribbean people come from, well they came form Europe and West Africa.

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15y ago

The original people of the Caribbean are referred to as Amerindians. The two main tribes were the Arawaks and Caribs. It was after the latter that the name Caribbean originated.

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12y ago

The descent of the majority of Caribbean people are West-Africans, mostly from

Sierra leone



Ivory Coast

The Gambia

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12y ago

The slaves that were sent form Africa to the West Indies.

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10y ago

You're referring to Afro-Caribbean people. Yes, their origins are in Africa.

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13y ago

Africa and India

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11y ago

africa and india

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3y ago

7 or more people came

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Q: Why do most people in the Caribbean have ancestors from Africa?
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