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People sometimes pick on gingers because there aren't all that many of them so they stand out sometimes quite a bit. It's actually quite immature and sad that some gingers or other hair coloured people are picked on because of their hair colour. I heard on the news a couple years back that there were a couple of redheads at a highschool that were being picked on to the point where they were being kicked from 20-60 times a week or day (can't remember the exactness). People also say that all gingers are mean as a steriotype. This is very immature because some gingers are the nicest people I have ever met.

So please, don't be the person that bullies someone just because of their haircolour. It is extremely immature and highly disrespectful of other people. Treat people and any living thing with respect. If you have bullied someone because of their hair/skin colour, think back. How do you think you made that person(s) feel? Would you like to feel that way?

They probably felt terrible inside because of you.

Why would you even do that to someone? It's just as bad as breaking them in half.
The reason why is because people believe it to be okay to pick on those different than themselves in any way. For red headed people, since their hair color is so distinct and usually not as common, people feel better about themselves pointing them out and drawing attention to how they deviate from what's "normal", and therefore, taking any unwanted attention from themselves.

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