

Best Answer

Because men are so weak and they need a scapegoat to blame for these weaknesses. Example; Woman are called whores, and if men engage in sex other the wife, it is called A-WHORING..

For more info on this opinion of how women are regarded in The Bible, see the Web Link "Skeptics Annotated Bible: Women" to the right.


This is a question where the opinions get heated and polarized. On one hand, the official positions of ministers (usually translated "elders," "overseers," or "deacons") are described in terms of men being the "husband of one wife." On the other hand, one can consider the reality that women were rarely educated in the first century, and that society looked down upon them. On the other other hand, we should consider the meaning behind the ever-popular book title, ''Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.'' :)

Seriously, though, there was at least one female judge of Israel, so the notion of a female spiritual leader is not without Biblical precedent. Still, those who wish to take Scripture literally would probably shy away from giving a woman the position of leadership of an entire congregation.

One implementation with which I'm familiar strikes a fairly decent balance between these options. All the pastors are men. All the elders are men. There are no deacons. For purposes of counseling or altar counseling (i.e., leading an individual in the prayer of salvation, or explaining more about what it's all about), a man counsels a man, and a woman counsels a woman. In those cases where a couple needs counseling, another member of the gender opposite the counselor (e.g., the pastor's wife) is always present; this also avoids compromising situations, or situations where compromise may be suspected.

I didn't address ''titles'' so much here simply because titles aren't as important as the ministry behind it. Anybody can take a title. All Christians are called to be ministers in some fashion. I merely address the more formal positions.

So should women be allowed to have minister's titles or positions? I have to say "yes" with conditions. Since I take a literal approach to the Bible, I have to say that the Bible doesn't permit women to be in positions of high authority within a congregation. I don't like it, but that's how I see it. On the other hand, I also feel that some ministry positions '''require''' a woman!

As for the rephrased question, should women be ''ministers,'' I have to give a resounding '''YES!''' As I mention above, '''all''' Christians are called to be ministers in some fashion, even if it's simply caring for someone who has recently lost a loved one.

Another Answer:

I am not familiar with other world religions, so I defer to other FAQ Farmers in those areas. We don't have paid minister's licences in our church; we have a lay ministry. We do have a discussion on a fairly similar level.

In our church the men hold the priesthood (the authority to perform ordinances on Earth in the name of the Lord). The women do not. Don't give up on me now, there is more and perhaps a reason. The priesthood given to a man is not complete until he is married. It's funny how women are needed to complete us. Men must use this priesthood to accomplish many things that a woman can accomplish by simple prayer and faith. An example: when I was sick, my father gave me a blessing following a specific set of instructions on how this ordinance is to be performed. On another instance my father was away and I was dangerously ill, and my mother said a prayer and asked to help make me better; the resuts were the same. Women seem to be granted many things where men seen to be required.

Additional Comments:

Seems a father does place special blessings on his daughters. My church also lets men and women teach the gospel equally at the pulpit or in other classes. There is no paid ministry, though. Many of the early churches did not allow female leaders because they were uneducated. The women stayed home, while men attended temple. It was the man's job to explain things to his wife...if she asked. Most wives didn't want to be bothered with his role. They had enough to attend to. You must be thinking of Priests, because British Columbia has Ministers and friends of mine last year were married by a female ordained Minister.

Scriptural Answer:

I Corinthians 14:34, 35 - Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.

1 Timothy 2:11, 12 - Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

Short Answer:

The short answer to this complex question is that misogynistic people think women "should not be allowed to be ministers" whilst non-misogynists think they should be.


Some believe women should not be ministers because of the above bible verses. This may not be popular in today's culture, but the bible applies today also. It is still the inspired word of God. Some other verses. I Corintians 11:3 - The head of every man is the christ, in turn the head of the women is the man, in turn the head of the christ is God. 1 Timothy 2:13 & 14 continues- For Adam was formed first then Eve. Also Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression. This does not imply that men always are right. Anyone with wisdom knows that some men are dumber than a post and some women very sensible and sharp. This also does not imply that women cannot voice an opinion, but they are still to submit to the headship of men. Being a minister is not a submissive role.

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That depends on your faith, in general. Even within a faith that is generally accepting of female religious leaders, certain divisions, sects, or even specific congregations may reject them.

In general, women can become religious leaders in protestant christian faiths and reform Judaism. They will generally not be accepted in catholic christian churches, Mormon congregations, some conservative protestant sects, nor in the various divisions of Islam.

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Some people say that because Jesus was a man, only men can be priests. Some people point to the Bible saying that women are not permitted to speak in the congregation.

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