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People slaughter horses for the same reasons they slaughter cows, sheep, chickens, etc. - to eat the meat and utilize the other byproducts (leather, technical fats for manufacturing, etc.). There is a market for horse meat and other byproducts, so there are those who are willing to supply the demand.

While horse meat is socially and culturally taboo in the United States, many western European countries view horse meat as a delicacy. This is similar to the situation with dog meat - considered barbaric and cruel in the US, considered culturally acceptable in southeast Asia.

There are many passionate arguements on both sides of the debate regarding horse slaughter in the US. Currently, Federal inspection of horse slaughter is not funded and will not be provided; therefore, horses cannot be slaughtered in the US then have the meat shipped internationally to the markets for such meat. However, there are several states that are trying to start State meat inspection programs that include inspecting horse slaughter, which would allow meat from horses to be sold within those state lines.

Arguments against slaughtering horses tend to point out the aesthetic, cultural, social and emotional value of horses - they are beautiful animals, often associated with freedom and the American spirit and are generally treated by the average horse owner as a companion rather than a piece of living property.

Arguments for slaughtering horses tend to focus on practical matters - more horses are bred than are used in the US, they are 1000-2000 pound animals that cost a great deal to take care of, there are few options to get rid of a mean/lame/unuseable horse outside of slaughter, euthanasia and disposal of the carcass is very expensive and there's little logical reason to not slaughter the animals. As noted above, cold practical logic is not the reason people are against slaughtering horses.

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13y ago
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12y ago

People abuse animals for many reasons. Here are some of them:

People with sick minds get animals and abuse them for entertainment.

People abuse animals because they have some kind of childhood abuse, so they abuse things that are smaller than them.

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15y ago

It is impossible to know how many people abuse horses for several reasons: 1.) some abusers go undetected, 2. many reports of abuse are overstated or even outright claims that are not true, and 3.) no iron-clad definition of abuse exists. While almost everyone would agree that setting a horse on fire, making it go for days without food or water, or similar acts are definitely abusive, there are many grey areas that one would consider abusive and another wouldn't. I think it is safe to assume that those who do abuse horses or other animals is an extremely small percentage of the owners, and that almost all animal owners take care of their horses and even love them. Deb TOOO MANY!!!!!!

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6y ago

Most of the time, it is someone who is full of ignorance. Some people do it for the entertainment, which is definitely no good reason. Some people do it to 'toughen up their animals', which is also not a good choice.

Some people also have physiological problems resulting from traumatic events in their lives. This can range from being abused as a child to almost anything else. If this is the case, they should see a psychiatrist as soon as they can. If that doesn't work then they should give their pets to a friend or family member who will take care of it. If they don't want to take it then they should contact a local rescue group or animal shelter.

another reason they abuse animals is that they dont like themselves and have nothing else to do.

If you know someone who is abusing or neglecting their pets, please see the 'Related Links' section below for a link to information about how to report the abuse.
They might do it because they don't want them anymore or they just don't care about them. They also might think that it is funny (but it's not funny).

A Person might abuse their animals to take out their aggressive anger and take it out on the dog.
People might to animal abuse because there nasty ungrateful people who don't care a bit about animals or pets or maybe anything. Sorry to say but there seems to be something basically sadistic about human beings. Brutal sports have been part of our history since earliest times and continue till this day (not only towards animals but also towards other human beings). Animal compassion seems to be a fairly recent innovation to our philosophies.

I totally agree with the above poster, but wanted to add that some people should never own pets! Some people don't have the patience and didn't do their homework before purchasing the pet. More often than one would like to think these things happen to especially dogs and cats: * Beatings from the owner because the dog may have messed on the rug (generally the owners fault) or the cat happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. * People leaving their home to reside in another town or State and leaving the pet alone to cope on it's own. There have been stories that some animals are locked in an empty house without water or food for a considerable length of time or still tied to the tree with a rope as the family pulled away. * There are just some mean and spiteful people that will hang dogs, cats (even try to make an effort to especially run over cats ... I've seen it here); set both on fire by pouring gasoline on them and lighting them on fire (there was just such a case as this in British Columbia a month ago regarding a dog. * Not learning how to look after your pet properly. * Not training your dog properly * Not feeding, watering or giving attention to your pet. * If moving making no attempt to give the dog, cat, etc., away to a good home or even taking it to the ASPCA (in the States) or SPCA (in Canada.) * Puppy mills which breed dogs for profit. * Dog fighting (as the above poster mentioned.) Unfortunately, in British Columbia, Canada there are no harsh penalties (mostly fines and little of that) for cruelty to animals. Many of us are trying to change that ASAP! To me a person who would do this to any pet should be treated the same as anyone abusing a child or someone that cannot defend themselves. There should be a zero tolerance level! I am happy to say that a few months back a young rookie RCMP Officer found two large dogs in a black car in hot weather and broke the window of the car and released the dogs. The dogs were near dead and by-standers got blankets soaked in cold water to bring the heat of the dogs down ... they thankfully survived! The officer then found the owner, hand cuffed him to his own car and as the officer turned his back to radio in for backup the crowd had a go at the dog owner! The young police officer was being sued by the very owner of the two dogs. However, the people who witnessed this came forward and the young officer got off. Well he should. When asked if he would do it again he said, 'Yes!'

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13y ago

people abuse animals because they are complete and utter idiots with no matter of respect for animals and they weren't loved when they were kids so they have to take it out on someone who can't fight back against them.

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12y ago

I don't know! They feel they can't afford them any longer, or they get tired of them!

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12y ago

Today, it is illegal to do so but in World War 1 and two people beat horses to control them because they were 'dangerous, viscous beasts'

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Do more black or white people abuse animals?

more black people abuse animals.

What is the term for people who abuse animals?

People who abuse animals are called animal abusers. Or jerks.

When did the abuse of the animals starte?

Animals abuse started because people are treating animals as they are not something that we would care about eachday.

Why do people abuse and neglect animals?

People that abuse animals have a mental promblem or somthing. They probably get pissed or something and take out their anrgy on animals.

Why do people like michle Vick abuse animals?

people usually abuse animals because they are having problems and they want to see something else suffer like them and that something is usually animals. they also do it to get their anger out. sometimes they abuse animals without realizing it is bad. they just assume" oh, it's okay that my pet's ribs are sticking out that just means that they are in good shape!!" some people really think that.

Who are the people that abuse animals?

i don't no but it is sad that people get dogs and they don't even like them and then abuse them

Will people that abuse animals get punished?

Yes, humans who abuse animals will be put in jail depending on the level of abuse. In fact, many people get put to jail because of this cruelty every year. Some people strangle or kill them, other people starve these animals.

Who is the audience of a essay?

The audience of an essay is whomever you want to read it: it depends. If your writing an essay about animal cruelty you would want people who abuse animals or people who ignorant about it to read your essay.

Do people abuse animals because of depression?

Theres no real answer why people abuse animals but if it is depression ..., witch i dont think it is. They should't take it out on there animals because that's not going to stop it.

Will abuse to animals ever end?

Unfortunately, no. As along as there are cruel people in the world. There will be abuse of animals. With the more regulations protecting animals, it is getting better.

Why would you dedicate your time to animal abuse?

because their are actually nice people in the world who care for the animals in the world and want to do as much as possible to keep these animals living and to give the animals a life

Are people paid to abuse animals?

No, they are paid to experiment on the animals. there are strict rules and regulations so that the animals are treated and looked after properly. But some scientists ignore the rules and abuse the animals