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Q: Why do rift valleys have volcanoes and lakes?
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Why do Lakes form on the floor of rift valleys?

lakes form on the floor of a rift valley

What can Tectonic Plate activity cause?

Most often earthquakes, volcanoes, and rift valleys.

What are the characteristics of a rift valley?

Igneous. Crustal material is added in rift valleys by the addition of magma.

What type of land form do you get at collision boundaries?

mountains, volcanoes, rift valleys, fault lines,

What is the landforms of India have?

mountains, valleys, rivers, deserts, lakes, and volcanoes

What are physical features of the great rift valley?

soda lakes and extinct volcanoes

What causes the volcanoes and deep valleys of East Africa?

The continental rift along which parts of the African continent are beginning to slowly separate

What do movement in the Earth cause?

Earthquakes. In addition to mountains, and volcanoes, and rift valleys, and tsunamis, and reestablishment of continental boundaries.

What are some landforms in India?

you have deserts, rivers, lakes,valleys,volcanoes,glaciers, and mountains.

How do rift valleys form?

rift valleys form by tension stress

Where do many of Africa's lakes develop?

i would have to say, basins in rift valleys. but if i am wrong, let me know what it really is.

What is the name of the long deep valleys that are formed by the movement of Earths crust?

rift valleys