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Beginning in the 1950s, both socialism (in the East) and capitalism (in the West) began to rely on forms of economic planning within firms or within the economy as a necessary measure to coordinate activities in large industries. Industries grew larger because of increasing returns to scale, and within capitalism, there was a growing movement for more workplace autonomy and self-management within companies, although this was very limited.

It was also envisioned by some notable economists and sociologists like John Kenneth Galbraith and Joseph Schumpeter that management, planning and organization were becoming increasingly specialized roles that would have to be fulfilled by trained, technical experts in their respective fields, eroding the case for small-scale entrepreneurial capitalism -and- democratic socialism.

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Q: Why do some sociologists think that capitalism and socialism were converging?
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i think its socialism> XO<---------WRONG!!!!! Monopoly Capitalism <------- Correct :)

Economic system which government controls the factors of production for the public good?

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By ‘capitalist workers’, I assume you mean workers who support capitalism. Most of them probably don’t have the slightest understanding of Socialism (a classless stateless society based on production for use), and see no alternative to capitalism.

What do you think of socialism?

It sucks. It creates bad quality products because there's no motivation to work (since the government shells out the money equally to everyone). Its pretty simple to see that socialism dosen't work........The left just denies it.

Why do people like the capitalism system?

Capitalism was a nice theory and had some convincing propaganda thrown on it. I find most people like capitalism either because they are rich or privileged or think it gives them some kid of independence. This is silly of course since the working man is taken advantage of and there are other ways to get what you earn, except for real. To supporters it is also a repercussion of the failure of socialism (which was capitalist socialism -mind you) Many capitalists seem to think that anyone opposed to capitalism is a communist or socialist and want to be enslaved. Also false. But in my opinion, anyone with even a small amount of knowledge on reality and not just book smarts will realize the capitalist system is a sham.

What are the similarities in Mercantilism--Laissez-Faire--Capitalism--Democratic Socialism--Socialism and Welfare Capitalism?

Mercantilism was in some sense an early form of capitalism, though there was considerable state control over foreign trade and there were usually, along with this, very high tariffs. Laissez-faire refers to more traditional ideas of how capitalism should operate, little to no state interference, no monopolies, etc. "Welfare capitalism" is a term that is sometimes used to refer to capitalist countries that have strong social welfare programs and do make some limited attempts to combat homelessness and extreme poverty. Examples of this today would be Sweden and Norway. What these all have in common is that they are all basically capitalist, laissez-faire and welfare capitalism are essentially the same economically for the most part but have some starkly different social policies. Mercantilism does not have a great deal in common with them. Democratic socialism is a term that can refer to two different things. It can sometimes be used as a synonym for social-democracy, or it can be used as a term to distinguish oneself from what people typically associate with what they think is communism. Socialism refers to any political and economic philosophy or system that is not capitalist and emphasises community control over politics and the social ownership of the means of production. There is no difference between this and the second description of what "democratic socialism" means. The first (synonym for social-democracy) description however, has little in common with socialism, it is essentially capitalist and has much in common with welfare capitalism.

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Sociologists study interactions between people but psycologists study people's emotions and how they think.

Marx would have approved of communism in the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin?

I really don't think so. Russia never reached the stage of capitalism and we're talking 50-100 years here(could be less). Marx believed in the transformation of capitalism to socialism when it has reached it's height and then to communism.

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Adam Smith emphasized the importance of free market capitalism and believed that individuals pursuing their own self-interest would lead to societal good. Karl Marx, on the other hand, critiqued capitalism for its inherent inequalities and exploitation of the working class. Marx advocated for a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned and controlled by the workers.

Why do you think that socialism has made little headway in the US despite its popularity in other parts of the world?

Because the us is probably the most capitalistic country in the world with somuh anti-anti capitalism. In the end, if socialism ever does occur in large portions of the world, the US will probably be the last capitalist country, just as it was with racist slavery.